Letter from Cathy Bernardini to Deadline Hollywood

See the letter from Stephanie Scholz to President Disney-ABC TV.
#STANDAgainstDiscrimination: Leah Remini’s irresponsible and vitriolic A&E show spreads religious discrimination and hate for profit. To date, there have been more than 500 threats – including dozens of death threats – as well as acts of vandalism coinciding with the airing of her series. People suffer. Parishioners, their children, the Church, and officers of the Church all have been subjected to an unprecedented number of threats, ranging from passing discriminatory insults to extreme threats of violence that require the involvement of law enforcement. Those making the threats have in some cases specifically cited Leah Remini as their inspiration. Here are some of the heartbreaking personal stories from Scientologists who have been subjected to discrimination and vilification due to the hatred Leah Remini and her dishonest and untrustworthy A&E show have incited.