Concern about “reality” TV show

This negative show, which we both know is of a mocked-up “reality” full of less-than-upstanding ex-Scientologists, hits straight into the core of what people of good faith are working to achieve on a daily basis.

January 4, 2017

A+E Television Networks
235 E. 45th Street
New York, N.Y. 10017

Dear Mr. Buccieri,

I can imagine that I am not the only person writing to you out of concern for the effect your new “reality” show may have.

I am a Scientologist, and I have personal experience of 30 years being very happy using the works of Scientology in my life, but this is not why I am writing you today. I am writing to you as someone who cares for the people not only close to me, but those beyond myself and my immediately family and friends. I look at things, as well as actions and decisions, through the lens of “does this bring people happiness, help and betterment” or “does this bring upset, harm to those trying to help or destruction.” I try to live my life and make my decisions with this basic judgment. And I like to think that those around us (most of whom are good people seeking to do good as well) can stand back and look through this same lens in order to make their decisions.

If you have done much research into our Church, and peered past the loud griping of a small few like Leah Remini, then you know that we are people trying to help people. We have social betterment programs to help others improve their lives through drug education, moral education, human rights education, tutoring programs, disaster relief and much more. Your everyday Scientologist works regularly in some way or another to improve the lives of others around them. I personally, along with many others, volunteer weekly to the end of helping other people live happier, more productive and saner lives. We are people of goodwill with the purpose to improve the conditions of others around us. And we will stand up and fight for the religious freedom of everyone, including your ability and right to keep yours.

The dissemination of this negative show, which we both know is of a mocked-up “reality” full of less-than-upstanding ex-Scientologists, hits straight into the core of what people of good faith are working to achieve on a daily basis. It is a dramatization and it is not honest. It is intended to harm. And its intention to harm is directed at people working for the good of people of any and every faith, race, creed, sexual orientation, political stance or economic background.

I ask that you take some time to step back, do any more research you need to do to gather the real information about us, our basic tenets, our work in communities around the world and our position on religious, economic and educational freedom for all. And I ask that you use all of the information you collect to look through the lens of whether or not this TV show (somehow conceived to be “entertainment” for others) “brings people happiness, help and betterment” or does it “bring upset, harm to those trying to help or destruction.”

Then ask yourself, are you really willing to continue to contribute to this agenda?

Courtney Condon
Park Ridge, Ill.

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