Hate Monitor Blog

Once expelled from the Church of Scientology, Shelton began billing himself a former Church executive and spewing lies about the religion which, he has said, made him “a better person” and from which he received “a lot of help through the years.”
There is a curious malady that afflicts a small minority of people: a hatred of those who help. Possibly you’ve had the occasional odd conversation wherein you find yourself arguing in favor of some charitable action or selfless deed that the other person for some reason raves is reprehensible.
Do “fun-loving,” “feel-good” Hoda and Jenna have a clue that they’re fawning, giggling and fussing over someone with blood on her hands and hate in her heart?
Ortega claims to work under the umbrella of journalism. In fact, he’s an internet tabloid blogger at the hire of anti-Scientologists, and he writes what his clients order. Since 2013, Ortega has been in the service of virulent anti-Scientologist Leah Remini and her partner, Mike Rinder—both expelled from the Church for antisocial and criminal conduct, respectively, and both of whom turned to making a living off their vendetta against the Church and its leader.
While avidly posting on an antireligious blog whose author stalks, harasses and incites hate against Scientologists on a daily basis, Naldrett describes himself as a history writer involved in the Chesterfield Library newsletter and the New Baltimore-Chesterfield Patch, who serves as a member of the Chesterfield and New Baltimore Historical Societies.
Those Trask defames are Australian Scientologists who have selflessly given of their time and resources to ensure children learn their fundamental human rights, at-risk youth get the truth about drugs and those struggling with illiteracy gain tools to finally learn.
In a September 10 posting on a tabloid website, anti-Scientology hate blogger Tony Ortega exploits the anniversary of 9/11 to forward his campaign of denigration and bigotry against Scientologists—in this case, the 800 Scientology Volunteer Ministers (VM) who worked at Ground Zero.
One’s choice to be religious is not a character flaw, nor is one’s religious choice itself. Remove religion and any awareness of spirit from the equation of humanity and you are left with zero humanity. Decency, kindness, accountability, help—these all go out with Monday’s trash.
Having themselves cofounded their own cult of depersonalization, wherein members of a minority religion are kidnapped, beaten, starved, deprived of privacy even for toilet functions, and subjected to a host of “techniques”—unprintable in a family publication—all in an attempt to strip the person of his or her beliefs; and all of it for a fat fee.
Seen through a filter of smiling faces and rose-colored glasses, Remini’s unmitigated, unrelenting crusade of lies against a religion whose only crime, apparently, was to try to help her, becomes something approaching beatific.