A source who came forward on August 30, in response to STAND’s call for information on enablers of hate blogger Tony Ortega, revealed the identity of “juicer77,” the commenting account employed by Jessica L. Wood of Bel Air, Maryland.
In a review of a cover song by two pop icons, Far Out music critic Tyler Golsen applauds their efforts, quotes the pair’s mutual admiration as musicians and as individuals, then offers his own expert advice on the religion one of them was raised in—my religion, Scientology—in the form of a snide comment.
On August 24, another source responded to STAND’s call for information on enablers of hate blogger Tony Ortega , revealing the identity of “John P Capitalist,” the commenting account employed by Brent C. Williams of California.
Who would sink so far as to defend the sex trafficking of children? Into what deep well of slime has a person willingly fallen when he flaunts perversion as a victory and the degradation of the human spirit as a goal?
On August 16, another anonymous source responded to STAND’s call for information on enablers of hate blogger Tony Ortega, revealing the identity of “DodoTheLaser,” the Disqus commenting account employed by Andrei Silviu Organ.
It’s about time this child sex trafficking apologist and anti-Scientology extremist, along with his antireligious wife were exposed for who they truly are: toxic inhibitors of well-meaning members of society.
On August 2, an individual identifying him/herself as “Friend of Tia” responded to STAND’s call for information on enablers of hate blogger Tony Ortega.
Given The Beast’s record of “poison pen” reporting, I believe it’s fitting to consider Shachtman’s words the Preamble to The Daily Beast’s Code of Ethics.
It’s an old trick. Entice your reader with a juicy headline that may or may not (usually not) have anything to do with the actual content and get that all-important 15 seconds of attention. “ Is Sex Really Necessary?” “ Image Of Elvis’ Face Photographed By Mars Rover .” That sort of thing.
It is a sick mind that must contort itself to see roaches, instead of men, women and children, as the Hutus viewed the Tutsis in the Rwanda genocide of 1994. 800,000 minority Tutsis were slaughtered in a three-month period.