Hate Monitor Blog

I read an article recently on Slashfilm.com about a friend of mine, a lovely and talented actress who, in her spare time, has been doing some incredible volunteer work, bringing human traffickers to justice—an activity that takes a lot of compassion, not to mention guts.
Yes, chatty little “everyone-knows” assertions can develop into virulent violent acts of rage with the turn of a page, the click of a mouse, the frown of a doubt. So yes, let’s talk about hate. Or, on second thought, let’s not. Let’s talk about not-hate. The use of the word “hate” lets far too many people go (“Tsk. Not me.”). It’s too easy to say, “Goodness gracious, I don’t HATE those people. I just would rather my kids went to a ‘better’ school, if you know what I mean.”
I’m not sure what was worse—having to tell him or seeing his muted reaction. He’s 14 now and I’ve had to explain this kind of bigotry to him many times before, so the revelation elicited little more than an eye roll. He has come to expect it now.
If you won’t believe the Church of Scientology when it says Leah Remini is lying, perhaps you’ll believe Marty Rathbun, who has been attacking Scientology for years.
It’s an eye-opener to discover that Leah Remini’s “Premath” had an entirely different script. Before Remini unleashed a salvo of abuse and hatred against her former religion on her now dead-and-buried “Aftermath” show, she held the opposite position.
The tweet, which fuels racial stereotypes, also exposes Ortega’s hypocrisy. The unemployed blogger—whose funding source is former call girl Karen de la Carriere—daily promotes anti-Scientology hate speech in his postings, in which he includes photos of Scientologist children as well as Church staff, executives and members. With no concern for their security or safety, Ortega lays them open to harm from his rabid and ill-informed followers.
A Massachusetts member of a white supremacist group created an online calendar day designating April 3 as “Jew-killing day,” planting a five-gallon plastic canister filled with gasoline near a Jewish assisted-living home on April 2. The bomb was lit but did not go off. The man was arrested on April 15.
“They were snickering, they started drawing red marks for blood,” recalled Jimmy McGee, Impact Movement president, who was leading the meeting. “Then they started calling out by our names. By that time we realized we couldn’t control the Zoom call. So we abandoned the meeting. When we got on our next call, they hacked right back in and started playing pornographic pictures.”
Human Rights Watch’s (HRW) 30th annual world report, compiled earlier this year and recently released, indicates that there is still much to do in eradicating human rights abuses, religious intolerance and violence.
With thousands falling ill daily, sex-trafficking promoter Tony Ortega viewed COVID-19 as an opportunity to stir up hate against religion. He first intentionally misrepresented a bulletin issued to all Scientologists.