Hate Monitor Blog

As the proverb goes, when a pickpocket meets a saint, he sees only his pockets. Even as we help the millions in a pandemic, professional detractor Leah Remini cannot but see the humanitarian efforts of thousands as “manipulative,” “sinister” or done for “show.”
“The kind of outrageous misinformation Sarkisian forwards was disseminated repeatedly about Jews by Nazi minister of propaganda Joseph Goebbels, who referred to members of the faith as ‘guilty,’ stated they ‘organize murder and terror’ and ‘led people to die,’” said National STAND Director Bari Berger. “That the ignorant tragically believed him and spread his lies made them no more true.”
“This is the company USA Today apparently keeps—sex trafficking apologists and antireligious extremists who harass and incite hate against members of a minority religion,” said Bari Berger, National STAND Director, referring to Leah Remini, whose anti-Scientology hate campaign has resulted in more than 600 threats and acts of violence against Scientologists and their children and families.
Tony Ortega, who first posted the string of anti-Scientology canards Heching draws from, lost his last job eight years ago due to his obsession with attacking the Scientology religion. He is known as one of the champions of Backpage.com
“Quoting Leah Remini on the subject of Scientologists or their religion is no different than quoting a white supremacist about Jews or their faith,” said National STAND Director Bari Berger. “Racism is racism, anti-Semitism is anti-Semitism, Islamophobia is Islamophobia and hate is hate. Young’s ignorant coverage gives a platform to lies and targets Scientologists for their religion. Such discrimination has no place in 2020.”
It is the most plain, by-the-book exercise in bigotry you have ever seen. And it’s also the very definition of persecution, especially coming from a self-styled “journalist” with followers who don’t know any better than to trust the hallucinatory fabrications he asserts as fact.
“It is a disgrace that Jon Jackson styles himself a journalist while publishing the words of the most vile sources of hate imaginable against a particular minority religion,” said National STAND Director Bari Berger.
“Journalistic misconduct like that of Emma Parry and Chris White is what has crashed public confidence in the media while fueling a toxic subculture of intolerance, discrimination and the victimization of minorities,” said National STAND Director Bari Berger.
Much like hateful anti-Semitic and anti-Asian misinformation campaigns spread throughout the pandemic, Jancelewicz forwards Remini’s falsehoods about the Church of Scientology’s response to COVID-19, in spite of all evidence to the contrary—evidence including the Church’s full online How to Stay Well Prevention Resource Center, a comprehensive resource and information site dedicated to educating the public on preventing the spread of illness and proper sanitizing methods, in 21 languages, from English to Portuguese and Gaelic to Xhosa. The Church also saw to the printing and distribution of more than 5 million Stay Well educational booklets to communities worldwide.
If Yahoo’s Taryn Ryder wants to know where to get the best blueberry pie, she will consult someone with a violent berry allergy. If she wants to absorb the wisdom of Judaism, she will call her neighborhood Nazi. If she’d like some info on the civil rights movement, she’ll check out the KKK.