
A Word of Advice From Someone Who Used to Love Disney
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of Disney, I am sure you have seen the stats in Hollywood. People are tuning out in droves. Hollywood tries something different to win them back but nothing is working. Why? What’s missing? Are you ready? Get out your pens because you will want to write this down.
Scientologist Exposes Hollywood Bigotry in View of “The View”.
How an English teacher-turned-comedian, became and expert on “mental illness” is something left out of Joy Behar’s bio on Wikipedia, but hey, she’s on TV so she must be an expert.
In a World Dominated by Stereotype, MPAC Celebrates Muslim Authenticity
What I saw was a recognition of the best kind of inclusion: a collection of movies, TV shows, and press coverage where Muslims are not necessarily the story (although in two of the films, they are) but who, in their portions of the stories, are depicted as they are: human beings—not necessarily perfect human beings, but real ones.
Intolerance in Hollywood—A Word of Caution
Hollywood, my hometown, is all about tolerance… as long as it fits “their” agenda. Pro-choice, green initiatives, gay rights, gender correctness—you name it. And I personally have no issue with any of these things.
Is Diversity Finally Coming to the TV Academy?
In early March, the TV Academy hired a consulting firm, ostensibly to address issues of equality head-on. Under the banner of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), the company will analyze “staff and member composition, attitudes and perceptions regarding DEI, opportunities for improvement, and expansion of current practices.”
Is “Tolerance” in Hollywood a Myth? Ask a Scientologist
Imagine you’re Hollywood. You’re not like everyone else. You’re passionate about your causes; about injustice and the relentless pace of climate change. You consider yourself tolerant. Liberal. Progressive, even. You oppose anti-Semitism in all its forms.
Muslim Representation in Media: Is Three Dimensions Too Much to Ask?
The Muslim Public Affairs Council Hollywood Bureau held its media awards ceremony on March 20. It was a straightforward affair, shot on a simple stage intercut with livestreams from the homes of the awardees—a far cry from the Golden Globes held a few weeks earlier, but more meaningful to me.
Remini: Taking Bigotry on the Road
According to recent Hollywood reports, with her show’s viewership numbers doing a nose dive into a parity with “Joanie Loves Chachi” re-runs, Leah Remini is scrambling to find another religion to beat up.
Product Endorsement Should Not Include Funding a TV Hate series
Lies like Remini throws around may garner sympathy for a while but eventually the truth comes out. I hope and pray it does not take long for her to be exposed for what she is: just another greedy liar, demagogue, hate-merchant and destroyer of families.
Mutual Respect Amongst People of Faith Brings Strength & Unity
The irony I found in reading your passionate, well-written article is that the frustration and sense of fundamental unfairness you feel at having your religion attacked by the mainstream media is exactly what it feels like to be a Scientologist.