
The STAND team extends its wishes for a bright, happy holiday season to friends, allies and all those across the globe working to make the warmth of these few precious weeks a reality year-round, and to end suffering, hardship and discrimination for all.
According to a national survey of 1,639 adults released earlier this month by CNN, a substantial majority of Americans feel that the nation’s increasing diversity is a good thing.
“Freedom of religion or belief, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to peaceful assembly and the right to freedom of association are interdependent, interrelated and mutually reinforcing. They are enshrined in articles 18, 19 and 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This latest disaster points to how many such horrific acts of unspeakable violence are now carried out against people in their houses of worship, regardless of their religion.
“Dr. King’s work pushed this civilization forward, advancing tolerance, freedom and understanding among the peoples of Earth,” said STAND International Director Edward Parkin. “His selfless dedication—and the words he chose to so passionately and compellingly express it—continues to inspire millions, and will forever.”
“It is my goal and my prediction that 2019 will see a renaissance for religious tolerance, and we look forward to rolling up our sleeves and working side by side with members of all faiths to bring it about.”
STAND wishes to take the opportunity of Thanksgiving to say a prayer of thanks—thanks to members, friends, supporters, fellow faith groups and all people working to bring others together; to help their fellow man; to show that we are more alike than different; to make religious freedom a reality; to be true to their beliefs; and to be a force for unity, integrity and love.
Freedom of speech is a recognized cornerstone of any free society, but when abused and exploited as a tool for hate, can cause personal and community discord and suffering.
Something is seriously wrong. The question remains—what lies behind this increase in violence? Among the factors to be considered are a decline in spiritual values and, conversely, an increase in psychiatric domination of mental health “counseling” and “treatment” that denies the existence of the human spirit.
Kirstie Alley raised the question of whether psychiatric drugs lie at the base of this tragedy. The Las Vegas Review-Journal and other press reported that Paddock had been prescribed 50 10-milligram tablets of diazepam in June 2017.