
Even if it’s not true—and I believe it is—wouldn’t it make a better world?
That’s the importance of religion, to me. And I know it’s true because I experienced it at that interfaith meeting. And this changed my mind and heart about ever bashing or putting down another’s faith.
The Justice Department has waded into a Supreme Court case involving a Colorado baker who refused to create a wedding cake to celebrate a gay marriage. On September 7, it filed a supporting brief in favor of the baker.
Religious freedom is quite literally the bedrock value on which the United States was founded and I argue it is in no small measure what makes it (if not the, one of) the greatest countries in the world.
On October 15, 1997, NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency together launched the Cassini-Huygens probe to study the planet Saturn.
I’ve gotten that response several times over the past year when I tell people I’m a Scientologist after they’ve spewed their ignorance all over the subject of my religion. Situation one was on a plane. Two women next to me were gossiping about a magazine article that covered Scientology.
In the late summer and fall of 1969 there was a great deal of hostility and discrimination between the Black and White communities in New York City. The general level of communication was resentful or antagonistic among strangers from each.
It was the best of times. I was on YouTube the other day and began watching some great commencement speeches, including one by U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts and one by actor Matt Damon.
I was on vacation on the East Coast of Spain at the age of 21 when I went swimming with a friend in a secluded cove. An idyllic setting.
My father was a brilliant man. He held a doctorate in law, was literate in both Spanish and English and, after 20 years as a judge, could whip through a 50-pound legal brief like you and I read text messages.