
Church Is a Haven: No Touchy!
Isn’t that one of the key reasons religion exists? Besides recognizing and enhancing the spiritual aspect of humankind, its staple values are solidarity and succor.
Corporations Are Making Religious Diversity a Reality
When they do this, corporations are creating beachheads of tolerance and respect that then play out in the community at large.
Debunking the “Atheists are Smarter” Myth
Several researchers in the field of psychology descended from the ultra-recirculated, purified air of academia to address the amoebic, unwashed masses (us).
Digitizing God—Anthony Levandowski’s “Way of the Future”
Multimillionaire and Silicon Valley whiz kid Anthony Levandowski is obviously no dummy. So I can only conclude that he missed a few history classes. The man has started a religion! If he hadn’t missed those history classes he’d realize that starting a religion is the quickest way to get yourself strung up, hung up, shot at or at least laughed out of town.
Easter, Ramadan and Passover Come Together—Celebrate Inclusion and Rebirth This Spring
For the first time in 30 years all three Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity and Islam—celebrate their spring festivals at the same time.
Faith in Action: Why Better Religion Is the Answer to “Bad” Religion
Real, authentic faith inspires acts of love and uplift.
Galileo’s Middle Finger
In the Galileo museum in Florence, Italy, carefully and lovingly preserved by his admirers in an ornate and gilded glass bubble, is the middle finger of Galileo, the 16 th century scientist and mathematician whose research and writings propelled science and discovery into its present day form.
Hollywood Rumormonger Laments Having Anti-Scientology Disinformation Debunked
Belloni voices how perturbed he is that a recent profile of an actress in The New Yorker exposed his absurd lies about the Scientology religion.
How Science Helped Me Find More Religion
“How can genetic testing tell you your religion, anyway?” you might ask. 23andMe can’t tell that I’m a Scientologist. But it turns out that the Ashkenazi Jewish people stuck together so closely for so many years that genetic testers CAN tell if you’re one of them.
How to Kill a Culture—A Satire
My mission is very simple: I want to kill a culture. I have been thinking about this for a long time and I believe I now have the key. It has to do with reading. It has to do with literacy.