
And That is Respect
We would have dinner and spend the rest of the night talking till the wee hours about religion—he from his perspective and me from mine as a Scientologist—starting with comparisons of morals and over a few evenings getting deeply into our spiritual nature.
How Psychology Lost Its Soul
Psychology’s “soul” was a casualty in the war between the spiritually alive and the spiritually dead.
Humanity’s Continuing Belief in God and the Soul
A recently released report by the Pew Research Center showed that Americans are much more likely to be actively religious than their counterparts in other western nations and that the United States is unusual compared to other affluent countries in that many more Americans are actively religious.
Rock Me, Holy Spirit
I say: bring on more of these spiritual/religious messages. If it is difficult to get young people to come into church then certain very well-known artists are bringing God to their fans’ ears through those ’ear buds’. And that works for me.
The Controversy at Maunakea—Why Science and Religion Need Each Other
According to the astronomers supporting the project, it “will allow us to see deeper into space and observe cosmic objects with unprecedented sensitivity. … When operational, [it] will provide new observational opportunities in essentially every field of astronomy and astrophysics.”
The Streets of Spirituality
I’ve driven urban professionals, reformed criminals, burlesque dancers, angel investors, families with groceries, people with baggage. Some are in a hurry to get the hell out of wherever I picked them up from.
The Thai Cave Rescue—A Buddhist “Miracle?”
Millions of people across the world, including myself, followed this saga as it unfolded with bated breath.
We Are Religion
Cultures rise and fall, governments come and go, but religion remains a constant influence. Under all the verbiage of such things as laws and governments lie spiritual motivations and goals.
What I Tell My Friends When Scientology Is Libeled
In 1633, Galileo was tried and found guilty of heresy and confined to house arrest for the remainder of his life for correctly observing that the earth revolved around the sun and not vice versa.
What’s Divine About You
My reaction was so physically apparent that my daughter took one look at me and asked: “Why’s your face all red?!” That flushed complexion was, of course, a physical reaction triggered by the emotional experience.