Scientology Religion

In 1975, just as Ken Kesey’s novel “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” was filmed at Oregon State Hospital, I became a Scientologist in Portland. Kesey’s book and the film that followed it have perhaps done more than any other works of art to dramatize the brutality and horror of psychiatry and its tools.
It became apparent she was fighting for life, not for herself, but so her family would not have to suffer her death. Realizing that, we told her not to worry about us, but to do what she must do to get well or—unsaid—that other thing, if her pain and suffering became too much.
I honestly don’t know how she does it. It takes commitment to be on call the way she is. It takes commitment to travel away from the warmth and comfort of her own home to a place where hurricanes have uprooted families and lives.
He was hoping for some weird, juicy secret stuff from an insider but I had to disappoint him. Nothing there to tell. After that night, the more I thought about it, I realized that’s really all I had been doing over my years as a practicing Scientologist. So now I’ll explain it to you.
While that contribution ended up playing out in the media, the behind-the-scenes I saw was more personal. It was the way the Church opened its doors to help house upwards of 3,000 people and hundreds of pets during the storm.
Journalists always seem to get their panties in a wad, downright insulted that Scientologists, when asked to “respond to their critics” don’t immediately fall all over themselves in a rush to kneel at the feet of said journalists in fawning supplication, begging to be liked and hoping for approval.
For me, Scientology is about endless possibility and hope. It’s about daring to aim for the top of the mountain and the tools you need to get there.
One of the first things one learns about when studying Scientology is the definition of an overt act. An overt act is an act which harms more then it helps. It is an action that is contrary to optimum survival.
This building of this Mission represents years of dedication by me and many others. It is an aesthetic space worthy of the technology contained within. All who wish to avail themselves of that technology of living are welcome to come in.
If you have the impression that Scientologists never examine Scientology, you would be wrong. The simple practice of Scientology forces you to eventually look into and evaluate everything, including Scientology.