Media & Ethics

War is sold by a handful of madmen on the basis that every citizen of the enemy country spends every waking minute slobbering at the prospect of personally destroying you, your family and all your friends.
Mainstream media is paid quite handsomely to manipulate public opinion. I’d like to tell you about a dirty little trick that they use in getting this job done. It’s one of those things that seems to be hiding in plain sight. When you know what it is, you'll find it popping up all over the place.
I’ve been following with interest the story of how Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg are responding to the recent public and congressional outcry regarding just what the company does with the intimate details of our lives we choose to give away so publicly and so freely.
I realized that I could not always believe what I read, just because it appeared in a “respected” media source, by a “respected” journalist.
Incorrect news and information starts in one location and then metastasizes like cancer, spreading out and lodging in secondary sites, then spreading further until it overwhelms the body or common sense and becomes something “everybody knows.”
How an English teacher-turned-comedian, became and expert on “mental illness” is something left out of Joy Behar’s bio on Wikipedia, but hey, she’s on TV so she must be an expert.
In early 1898, William Randolph Hearst needed more readership for his newspaper, the New York Morning Journal . He figured a war would do the trick. The paper had been covering the Cuban Revolution since 1895, as had the Journal’s chief rival, Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World .
Tom Petty died. Except it wasn’t when we were told he was dead. You see, some news agencies with more of a desire to “get the scoop” than get it right decided that it was OK to report that Petty was dead, even though he was only close. Not dead, but close enough, right? It was for these news organizations.
The data is fascinating and rather unnerving at the same time. In about an hour’s time, Mr. King created a fake news website, put together a fake news story by re-using a popular one he had seen, created a fake news page on Facebook, created a fake ad promoting the fake news from his fake page, targeted the ad to the groups most likely to salivate over it, specified his budget of about $50.00 and then clicked “place order.”
Whether you are an amateur blogger, the curator of a Facebook page, or a content creator for a prestigious international news organization, if - by your writings or your multimedia content - you seek to inform people about the world, you’re a journalist (or want to be) .