social media

Artificial Intelligence + Hate Speech = Murky Waters
I manage a software development team and have worked in and with technology for the last three decades.
Five Easy Ways to Tell If Your Post Is Bigoted
Religious intolerance can be sneaky. You may not even realize you’re being a bigot. Probably because someone said some line to you.
Groping for Clarity in This High-Speed, High-Stakes World
With trending, “hashtaggy” topics now an easy way to measure public mood, product sponsors, employers and others hyper-sensitive to public reactions can pull the plug on a service, product, program or career faster than, well, than a house of cards can fall.
Have the Trolls Really Won the Internet? — A Story of Good vs. Evil
A handful of people covertly create an illusion of “millions.” Their aim is to create a snowball of negativity that takes on a life of its own, destroying the individuals or groups in its path.
How Far Is Too Far in Punishing Hate Speech?
In a recent Scottish YouTube video, the creator orchestrates his dog giving a Hitler salute to the camera. Whether you think that video is funny or offensive, the Scottish courts are actually taking the video maker to trial and he could face prison.
Information Cancer
Incorrect news and information starts in one location and then metastasizes like cancer, spreading out and lodging in secondary sites, then spreading further until it overwhelms the body or common sense and becomes something “everybody knows.”
Media Ethics: Read It and Weep
Left, Right, or Center, the editorial boards all have an agenda. They’re all preaching to their own choir, which also happens to be their financial base.
No, Laura Loomer: Jews Aren’t Bigots
It seems like religion is always at the forefront of so many unnecessary upsets, especially on social media. Recently, New York fell victim to another terror attack where an ISIS extremist drove into a group of pedestrians, killing several and injuring many more.
Speaking of Religion
Religion is tough to talk about. It’s true. And instead of welcoming the chance to learn something new, we tend to shy away from the whole thing, perhaps because it seems like too tricky a road to travel.
Tackling Online Hate Speech Against Religious Minorities—An Enlightening Hearing By USCIRF
No finite definitions for the terms “hate speech” and “disinformation” currently exist under international law. Social platforms must therefore dictate their own rules for the censorship of such speech and disinformation. Facebook alone is currently removing about 3 million instances of hate speech per month—or 4,000 instances per hour.