hate crimes

Hate, Inc.: The Marketing of Bigotry for Profit
Bricks through windows, swastikas scrawled on synagogues, charred African-American churches, knocked-over tombstones in Jewish cemeteries, beaten and slaughtered minorities—these are all the debris of hate crimes, the products of bigotry, and are repulsive to any decent. person.
Is Hate Speech Free Speech?
It is then up to the rest of us, the majority of people, the decent folk who choose to live in harmony with our fellow human beings, regardless of their creed, to stop the rhetoric from going any further.
Southern California Police Launch Efforts to Deter Hate Crimes
When mosques in Southern California received handwritten letters over the Thanksgiving weekend that threatened genocide of Muslims, police stepped up their actions to stem the rise in hate crimes and incidents of bigotry. As reported in the Los Angeles Times, L.A.
Walt Disney Would be Appalled that the Company he Founded is Inciting Religious Hate
If Walt were alive today there’s no question Remini’s show would never exist on one of his networks.
ABC 20/20 show and A&E
It has come to my attention that a group of Scientology apostates are going to appear on 20/20 with a show intentionally designed to attack and create hate toward the religion she was formerly a member of. I believe the source of this is Leah Remini and her show on A&E.
Yahoo News Carrying Bigotry for Leah Remini
A few STAND members have asked, for their own protection, to be provided with an avatar. This was granted solely because Leah Remini and Mike Rinder are responsible for instigating over 500 documented threats of violence, death threats, acts of vandalism and hate targeting the Church, its parishioners and its leaders.
Elle.com apologists for Leah Remini and A&E hate
Leah Remini’s show on A&E is not about Scientology but about her twisted version of events. Were any of her televised installments true, Scientology would not exist. Her claims are outlandish, to put it mildly.
L.A. Times: CNN opts for “sensationalism over enlightenment” with “Believer”
Critics and religious groups are eviscerating CNN for choosing to misrepresent various religions by focusing on small, sensationalistic sects that are irrelevant to those who practice the faiths. “Needs to stop trying to shock.
Toronto Religious Leaders Unite Against Hate
After senseless anti-religious violence in the nation, Church of Scientology Toronto hosted an interfaith service to affirm cooperation among diverse religious communities.
Hate Crimes in the U.S. Hit Another Peak in 2022, FBI Reports 
Of the hate crimes reported, 18.1 percent—over 2,000—were motivated by religious bias.