fear and hate

Freedom of Thought: Infinitely Valuable and Incessantly Attacked
In the wake of the 1960’s, my father and mother began studying Dianetics and Scientology in New York and San Francisco. I grew up in a multi-denominational household—Christian, Jewish, Scientologist. I lived in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect.
Impulse to Attack the Unknown
I recall an incident from many years ago where a couple of misguided radio personalities in my city decided it would be a good idea to disrupt a Muslim prayer service. Bad idea all around. The good thing was that the people of Denver condemned this forcefully.
Sympathy for the Devil
If I were the devil I would strike up the band and throw a party. I’d be scrubbing my hands in glee right now as I watched my plans coming to fruition. The papers are spreading hate, political parties are spreading hate, and the television spews it at an unprecedented rate. Hate sells.
The Difference Between Haters and Heroes
How many years has it been since a madman, under the guise of ridding the world of “undesirables” created a war that destroyed large portions of our civilization? Was it centuries ago that a fascist dictator caused the death of over six million Jews? Was it many pages back in our history books that
The Fragility of Hate
From the perspective of this planet and possibly the whole universe, then, Hate has existed for less time than it takes to boil an egg.
The KKK and the Power of Symbols
I wasn’t surprised to read that members got the idea from D. W. Griffith’s 1915 silent film The Birth of a Nation. Fire has been an elemental influence on people since the dawn of human civilization.
The Rohingya and Ethnic Cleansing—What Do They Say About Us?
The sad truth is that racial, religious and ethnic hatreds are alive and well in the 21st century and many new crimes are being committed in their names.
“We Stand Together” Manchester
The message was not one of anger or hatred, nor did it call for vengeance or retribution. The message did not exclude or label or categorize or incite prejudice. It simply said “We Stand Together.”
What “Everybody Knows” Actually Isn’t True
If even I, a young child, could tell that these things that “everybody knew” were simple and obvious lies, how could grown-ups be repeating them? Believing them? Teaching them to their children?
What My Trip to Idaho for the Eclipse Taught Me About Prejudice
We were either going to see a magnificent astronomical event or—more likely—we were going to end up as bloody roadkill on the side of High Valley Road before we even had a chance to see the eclipse.