
A Case for Faith
Faith is real. Faith is attainable. Faith can be learned and applied to create a richer life for one and all.
Beliefs About Believing
You won’t find anyone whose pupils contract that doesn’t believe something. From the time we are born, we “believe” everything we sense, and we compute with it.
Contagion of Faith
And now just a few short weeks later, all of us suddenly find ourselves searching for faith elsewhere than where the signs and marquees direct us. But faith needs no seats, no altar, no stained-glass windows, no doors nor even walls.
Finding Comfort in Faith During Times of Tragedy
On the morning of June 24, safe in my studio in rural upstate New York, I tuned into my usual morning mix of email and news blurbs, casually rendering mental opinions on the latest political tempests-in-their-teapots.
I Will Not Tolerate Hatred
I have been a Scientologist for over fifteen years, and very publicly so. In working with my church and its members I am surrounded by some of the most decent, friendly, intelligent, helpful, caring, hardworking (and did I mention funny and charming?) incredible people I have ever known.
That Joke Ain’t Funny
There are times I feel like complaining and this is one of those times. I was looking through Facebook the other day and saw a mention of some comedian and his “hilarious” joke about Scientology. Of course, being the vocal person that I am, I had to pipe up that it wasn’t funny.
The Thai Cave Rescue—A Buddhist “Miracle?”
Millions of people across the world, including myself, followed this saga as it unfolded with bated breath.
Two Verbs: Faith and Love
I learned one of the most important lessons of my life in my early 30s. I spent my teens and 20s with a storybook, romantic idea of love. “Love is something that happens to you. You fall in or out of love, almost like having some sort of accident.“
What Is the Opposite of Indifferent?
The world offers much to be indifferent about—violence, hatred, bias, discrimination, lies and death. At 68 it would be easy to snuggle up to that indifference by just working my garden, taking out the trash and muttering platitudes at my neighbors.
Who Are the People Who Trash Religion, Anyway?
A brief glance through the Renaissance reveals so many examples of art and architecture created in honor of and inspired by the artist’s faith. Grand churches made of massive stones have sprung up in every European city—a testament to the faith and love of the people who started building them, knowing they might never live to see them finished.