
Backsliding into Bigotry: America’s Addiction to Intolerance
Religion, once a cornerstone of society in virtually every culture, is being eroded in modern times. Attacks on religious freedom in the U.S. have more than doubled since 2011, according to a recent report by First Liberty Institute.
“FaithLeaks” and the New Deprogrammers
The supposed purpose of FaithLeaks is to get anonymous tips of wrongdoing within churches and religions, “expose” them and educate people. But as past is prologue, expect old hatreds, prejudices and bias to flood out, carefully sourced to be untraceable, no one held responsible, the perfect forum to covertly smear the reputation and honor of legitimate religious organizations.
Isn’t there more to life than this, a Scientologist Asks?
“Life is short—live it up.” This seems to be the mantra I hear more and more every day. Now, I’m all about fun. I think things should be fun. I think everyone should have some, I really do. But, there’s more to life than that.
Taking Action Against Discrimination: Harry Truman
“For these compelling reasons, we can no longer afford the luxury of a leisurely attack upon prejudice and discrimination.”
Liberty Media, Don’t Support A&E’s Religious Discrimination Farce
I would hope you’d consider keeping the company of cooler heads and not placing your product where no good outcome is possible.
Geico Corporation Sponsoring Religious Hate Against Scientology?
What’s one of America’s best-known insurance brands, where “15 minutes can save you 15% or more…” doing supporting a controversial hate and propaganda program such as the A&E’s Scientology and the Aftermath? There must be less controversial and offensive productions that Geico can cash in on.