
Why Can’t I Be A Scientologist?
I gave her a polite reply, but I realized she succeeded in making me feel slightly ashamed for asking her. I realized at that moment she was condemning me for my religion. She wanted me to know that it wasn’t ok that I was a Scientologist but it was perfectly acceptable for her to be a Christian.
Why Is Scientology Treated “Unfairly?”
Cultures change slowly. I was born in 1945. When I was growing up in Washington, D.C., discrimination against African Americans, Jews, Catholics, Mormons, Gays, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans and Muslims was not the least bit unusual and was largely accepted. Southern politicians got elected based on who was the loudest and most viciously racist.
Why Religious Freedom and Equality Aren’t Mutually Exclusive
The Justice Department has waded into a Supreme Court case involving a Colorado baker who refused to create a wedding cake to celebrate a gay marriage. On September 7, it filed a supporting brief in favor of the baker.
Why Stuart Wright is Wrong
I just read about Stuart Wright, the neo-Nazi hater of Jews, and God knows who else, who vandalized synagogues, and I’d like to say a few words to him. Francis Salvador, Haym Salomon, Mordecai Sheftall and Reuben Etting.
Why Tolerance Works
When I was in my teens I could cruise any major street in Southern California and stop for a hamburger. Now I can stop for Mexican food, Middle Eastern food, Chinese food, sushi, Indian food, Thai food, Italian food, vegan food ... or I can have a hamburger.
Women’s History Month: Celebrating the Voice That Sang a Nation Into Change
When one thinks of women who pushed the boundaries of civil rights, one seminal figure is rarely mentioned. Her name was Marian Anderson.
Your Company’s Role in Eradicating Hate
Board rooms around the globe, but particularly here in the U.S., must heed well the calls of diversity, equity and inclusion. They must come to the party and take a stand against hate.
Preposterous accusations
I am writing regarding 20/20 and the inappropriate and outright preposterous accusations against the Church of Scientology regarding children.
Religious bigotry and discrimination rampant at NBC Universal.de
What this survey does show is that media propagandists select a target to attack to create a preconceived false narrative and then conduct a “survey” to determine the result of their propaganda attack. Germans have a history of doing this unconstitutional and tortious act against designated “targets.”
Disney: please help stop the bullying
I have always loved Disney for their anti-bullying and anti-discrimination policies but not now that you are supporting a program which is only creating false information, bigotry, bullying and discrimination against Scientologists.