
Want to Find Out What Scientology Is? Talk to a Scientologist.
I come from a large, affectionate family that includes grandparents, parents, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins. Looking back many years, when we were all much younger, family occasions would fill a house to the rafters with love, gossip and good food.
The Essence of Religion: L. Ron Hubbard’s Birthday, and His Gift
Though I grew up Catholic, I’ve been into many churches of different types and one thing I’ve always noticed is the same sense of relief from the world and the safe space a church can provide.
The Greatest Tradition
Somewhere, thousands of years before Christ, deep in China, a spark was lit. We don’t know if it was a man or a woman but someone looked away from the pain, toil, and terror of life and saw a light. Religion was born.
The Inevitable Outcome of Interfaith Dialogue
Some of the people I most admire are those who are devout in their personal faith but also curious and generous in their interest to learn about others who may have a different one.
The Menacing Horrorshow of Media and Its “Objectivity”
To say there’s been significant recent debate about the media, its role and its reliability is probably an understatement. Fear not, though, I won’t wade into the highly publicized never-ending battle between politicians and mainstream media—that’s getting more than enough coverage on its own.
The Role of Religion in a Coronavirus World
Fear breaks down a man’s sense of brotherhood. Make a man afraid, and he takes refuge in superstition.
Theophobia, Part I: Why a Hatred of Religion?
Religion has been in an international statistical decline. The religiously unaffiliated, otherwise known as "nones," are growing significantly.
I’ve been friends with this guy for more than ten years. We hit it off pretty immediately and have stayed in touch through the years. I have never made any secret about being a devout Scientologist. I never pushed it on him, but I always answered any questions he had.
Walt Disney Would be Appalled that the Company he Founded is Inciting Religious Hate
If Walt were alive today there’s no question Remini’s show would never exist on one of his networks.
“We Are All in the Gutter, but Some of Us Are Looking at the Stars.”
More and more, these days, I see an ugly few building roofs between us and the stars, while insisting we’ll forever stay in the gutter