Scientology religion

I Will Not Tolerate Hatred
I have been a Scientologist for over fifteen years, and very publicly so. In working with my church and its members I am surrounded by some of the most decent, friendly, intelligent, helpful, caring, hardworking (and did I mention funny and charming?) incredible people I have ever known.
If It’s True It’s True. If It’s on TV, It’s on TV
I have had the privilege of being a Scientologist for the past eleven years and I have been Jewish all my life. As a Jew, I have experienced my fair share of jabs and pokes, but if there has been a “silver lining,” it’s that the religion’s beliefs and practices were never questioned.
If Religion is All Greek to You
I was raised Jewish, and I remember going to temple and reading from the Torah when I was 11. Unfortunately, I could read the Hebrew symbols, but had no concept of what those sounds meant. So I gave up studying the Torah.
I’m “Secretive” About My Religion?
My religion has a lot that gets said about it in the media. But one of the most laughable and irksome myths about Scientology is this bizarre idea that it’s “secretive.”
Know What You’re Objecting To
It’s fine if you object, but at least know what it is you’re objecting to. As a Scientologist of 36 years, I’ve read and heard things from others about my religion that left me scratching my head in wonder. I am referring to some of the weird ideas people get.
L. Ron Hubbard’s Greatest Gift to the World on His Birthday
The granting of life to another opens the door to understanding and makes the twin curses of bigotry and exclusion impossible.
Leah Remini and a Friender Bender
I was always looking for “my” religion. Since I was a little girl. My parents didn’t follow any one faith and allowed me to look for myself and I took full advantage of that. I studied different religions from Christianity to Buddhism .
Meet Me Halfway
When it comes to understanding the religious beliefs of others, there is often some inherent unwillingness to meet the other halfway with a true desire to comprehend that person’s deeply-held convictions.
My Scientology
I don’t need to know much about the guy who threatened Scientologists in a recent post on Facebook.
Raising Our Voices—What it Means to be a STAND Member
Scientologists are, almost without exception, really nice people. That’s something you could say of most people and groups but I’m always reminded that being an above average communicator and expressing a heightened regard for other people is something most Scientologists have in common. It’s an exceptionally articulate group of people who know and speak their own minds.