
Hoover Supporting Religious Hate and Bigotry on A&E
In this current climate of political and religious unrest, it is astounding that you would add to the fray with your support of this show, especially since Leah Remini’s allegations are untrue. This is a direct attack on Scientology and its adherents. If you had done your homework, you would know that Scientology brings real help and hope worldwide.
New York Post’s Religious Contempt
The religious contempt you expressed in your article headline is such blatant bigotry. Couching it in “One wonders whether the backlash will affect Moss’s chances on Emmy night” outs your actual intent. I am frankly shocked.
Objection to Little Caesar’s Subsidizing of Campaign Against my Religion
While I understand your line of business is about reaching as many people as possible to generate income through your ads, I also understand that responsibility for one’s society, care of others’ beliefs, respect and admiration for others of goodwill, are not concerns that one simply sets aside for one’s own financial gain. If you have goodness in your heart and if you honestly feel you do good for this society, you will seek what’s right, and supporting Leah’s hatred is NOT right.
Suburban Chicagoland Pushing the Remini Rubbish
Kirstie Alley, even according to you, is a fine actress and woman of immense courage and integrity who loves life and loves people. Leah Remini on the other hand is a coward without sincerity or integrity…
Why Would Amazon Support Anti-Religious Hate on A&E TV?
I consider Amazon to be a great business enterprise and have many friends who use your products. However, I now see that your company is supporting A&E’s Aftermath hate TV series, and this is far below the standards I would expect from your company and this forces us to reconsider our patronage.
Unilever, Your Ad Money Pays For Discrimination of My Religion
I understand that you may or may not care about any of this. But if you are a religious or spiritual person at all, or have people of faith in your company, I urge you to ask some hard questions about your continued support of this show.
Tracey McManus of Tampa Bay Times—a Shameless Bigot
Ludicrous and disjointed at best, McManus’s article selectively points out that the Church launched a website criticizing character and motive. Is there some law I should be aware of that prohibits defending against slanderous and malicious attacks targeting one’s religion?
Tampa Bay Times Harboring Bigotry and Discrimination
You consistently go to ex-Scientologists and anti-Scientologists to interview. There is a handful of those, but there are over ten thousand Scientologists in Tampa Bay alone, who are very happy with the Church and who can honestly say that Scientology has changed their lives vastly for the better. Yet only the small group of dissidents are being listened to and quoted. This is discrimination.
Anheuser-Busch Supporting Anti-Religious Hate Show on A&E
By your endorsement, you condone the many threats of harm to me, my fellow Scientologists and our church properties. I cannot imagine that you would do this to the religions of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism or Buddhism and put their followers at risk.
Tampa Bay Times Called on Carpet for Bigoted Reporting
What motivates an ex-Scientologist to spread hate and lies about my religion? She is well paid for the trash that she and others spew. If you actually knew her, you probably wouldn’t invite her into your home or to your own church. My guess is you wouldn’t want your children to be around her. Yet you willingly believe the hate and lies.