
State Department Hosts Largest International Religious Freedom Event in History
“STAND is proud to participate alongside officials of the Church of Scientology both in this historic Ministerial and the International Religious Freedom Roundtable, which has played a vital role in making this event possible,” said International STAND Director Edward Parkin.
Tamron Hall Promotes Discrimination on Daytime Show
“It is unacceptable that Tamron Hall would promote a hate campaigner against any religion—anti-Scientology is anti-Scientology, anti-Semitism is anti-Semitism, Islamophobia is Islamophobia and discrimination is discrimination. Enough is enough,” said STAND National Director Bari Berger. “Hall is apparently one of the few public figures left who believes there is a place for blatant bigotry in mainstream media today.”
The Effectiveness of STAND
Following the outreach from members of your organization last September, our company added the Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath to our ‘do not air’ list and updated our media buying guidelines to exclude programs that feature content like that.
Tolerance Grows, Survey Shows
According to a national survey of 1,639 adults released earlier this month by CNN, a substantial majority of Americans feel that the nation’s increasing diversity is a good thing.
Utah Technician Fired After Converting to Islam
He began hearing his coworkers make insulting remarks about non-whites and non-Christians, Muslims in particular. Goodson, a Christian himself, decided to research Islam. He told a local TV station that he prides himself on investigating things as thoroughly as possible before making decisions about them.
Why has the German government engaged in discrimination against Scientologists and the Church of Scientology?
Religious Discrimination Against the Church of Scientology and Its Parishioners in Germany
For more than two decades, officials in the German government have condoned a policy and practice of religious discrimination against Scientologists in Germany. Federal and state officials have urged the public to blacklist and boycott Scientologists from every aspect of German life.
USCIRF Exposes French and German Governments’ Discriminatory Treatment of Scientology
In a just-released report on religious freedom in the EU, USCIRF censured the French and German governments for contributing to the spread of malicious disinformation about minority religions.
Game Show Network: Bigotry Is No Game
It’s time for the Game Show Network to show Leah Remini the door. Every other network or media outlet that Remini has touched has already done so.
“Mama, What Does Murder Mean?”—The Rise of Islamophobia in NYC
In short, Muslim women, children, Blacks and Asians are the targets of choice for bullies and criminals.