Jehovah’s Witnesses

A&E and the Clickbaiting of Information
Readers began jumping from sensational headline to sensational headline calculated to attract a response and rank high on Google search.
Canadian Supreme Court Finds For the Jehovah’s Witnesses
The decision is a victory for the rights of religious groups to uphold standards for membership based on their own religious beliefs and to be free to resolve purely ecclesiastical matters for themselves.
Leah Remini vs. Everyone: Welcome to the Dark Ages
A recent spate of hate-inspired fires in five Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Halls brings up a pointed question: Is Leah Remini an arsonist now, too? The past two seasons of Remini’s A&E-sponsored hate-fest coincided with hate crimes and vandalism directed at several Churches of Scientology, her targ
My Friend, the Jehovah’s Witness
He started bringing new people by and introducing them. I joked with him that he was training new people and I must be an easy touch. He said I was the only person on my street that would open the door for him.
Never Let the Fox Guard the Chicken Coop
Why else would someone go so far down the road of attacking groups that have clearly demonstrated over and over again that they intend to and do improve the quality of people’s lives in profound ways?
Remini: Taking Bigotry on the Road
According to recent Hollywood reports, with her show’s viewership numbers doing a nose dive into a parity with “Joanie Loves Chachi” re-runs, Leah Remini is scrambling to find another religion to beat up.
The Case for Brotherhood
Last October, eleven worshippers at the at Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania were murdered during Shabbat morning services by a man whose only knowledge of his victims was that they were Jewish. And he hated Jews. [i] It was the worst anti-Semitic attack in American history.
Liberty Media, Don’t Support A&E’s Religious Discrimination Farce
I would hope you’d consider keeping the company of cooler heads and not placing your product where no good outcome is possible.
Disney & Hate—What Went Wrong?
The idea that Disney would sponsor programs that incite hatred against religions from my perspective is unconscionable.
Are Leah Remini and A&E Responsible for the Wave of Violence Against the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Kingdom Halls?
While Remini and her accomplice, Michael Rinder, may claim otherwise, irrefutable evidence shows that malicious and violent acts have been carried out by people incited by “independent” third parties.