Why Religion Matters Now More Than Ever

The United States was founded under the banner of religious freedom. After the oppressive union of church and state in England, the founders saw the need for their separation as well as the establishment of the right to worship and the right to change one’s beliefs. They ensured American citizens had the right to pray, congregate or live in the spiritual manner they deemed right for them. This they considered a basic human right.

The Statue of Liberty with a sunset behind it
A little girl in front of a stained glass window with her hands together in prayer

As we approach the 250th birthday of our country, religious freedom is even more important today than it was then. While every other ad on television is for a drug to “band-aid” any ailment and the culture aims to push our citizens further and further from the concepts of religion, more and more of them are convinced they have no spiritual side but are merely bodies. More than ever in these tumultuous times, Man needs knowledge of his own spirituality and a higher state to reach for as a goal.

So we stand in support of religious freedom, we stand with religions that help and support the best in the spirit of man and we stand firm in our belief that every individual has the right to reach toward something greater than himself.

As Scientologists, that is our fundamental belief: that we are each spiritual beings. Like Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and other religions, we believe that spirituality is essential to making everyday life more worthwhile. So we stand in support of religious freedom, we stand with religions that help and support the best in the spirit of man and we stand firm in our belief that every individual has the right to reach toward something greater than himself and we will always support that effort. We trust you will support us.

R. Liebl
Actor, Writer, Artist, TruthSeeker