
When my brother and I were kids, we were driving in the car with my dad one day and “Me and Bobby McGee” by Janis Joplin came on the radio. My very unserious dad got a little serious and said, “Listen to these words.” We listened. He waited. Then he said, “Right…here…did you hear that? She said harpoon and red bandana.”
Its controversial and high-profile members are in the news almost daily, their alleged transgressions the subject of public scorn and debate, while its devotees are infamous for their cultish adherence to bizarre rituals.
I have discovered through the school of hard knocks that the louder the false accuser the bigger their crime.
Like these words from the late Nelson Mandela: “We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.”
An African-American man put this to the test recently when he joined a white supremacist group. After the initial cold shoulder (and worse) he broke the ice simply by being in communication with the group members.
I am a food bigot. This was brought to my attention by my wife some years ago when she first served me eggplant. “I hate eggplant,” I said. “I thought you knew that. Any kind of eggplant.” “You,” she declared, “are a food bigot.”
"Prejudice" is actually a hyphenate: "Pre-Judge." Or, to put a further spin on it, “premature judging.” It’s not a new thought, but how in the world can I make a judgement on who you are or whether I approve of you (or people like you) if I don’t know you.
The concept of responsibility is at the core of personal freedom. For centuries and across cultures it has been believed that the proper answer to an affront or a transgression is retribution.
Nike’s decision to launch a lightweight hijab for athletes, accompanied by the tagline “Sports is for everyone,” may seem a godsend or pure provocation, depending on which side of the fence one sits.
Recently, I saw the movie “Darkest Hour”, a film about Winston Churchill’s rise to become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, on May 10, 1940 and the nearly overwhelming forces of Hitler’s Germany he confronted in the early years of WW II.