Religious Freedom

On September 11, 2001, all that changed. As the nation focused on the War on Terrorism, religious freedom was no longer a priority. That’s quite ironic, because international religious freedom may be the only way we can really eliminate both terrorism and regional wars.
These “Bloggers of the Round Table” are an eclectic bunch: musicians, writers, lawyers, pilots, business owners, clergy… you name it, and despite the seriousness of their mission, they’re an insouciant lot and great company.
One of my personal goals in 2018 has been to speak out, loudly and as often as necessary, to protect my religion, Scientology, and my family and friends who join me in that faith. It’s become pretty clear to me that there are a few people, including some influential ones, who would love nothing more than to take away my freedom to practice my religion.
Growing up as an agnostic, John did not give religious matters too much thought. Nor did he assess his actions against any kind of religious teachings or moral codes. If something seemed advantageous in the moment and the risk was not too great, it was worthwhile.
You’ve probably never heard of Cyrus the Great, but if you admire and enjoy freedom of religion, freedom from slavery, and a country that includes people of all different faiths, races and cultures, you may owe him your thanks.
Was Jonestown one of the worst massacres of innocent American men, women and children in history? What purpose could the deaths of so many people have served? Could an external force have been responsible? If so, who might it have been?
Dr. Mootoo did not waver in his assessment of what had happened: the vast majority of Jonestown residents were victims of murder, not suicide. The bodies he examined had not died by drinking fruit punch, poisoned or otherwise. Death, he said, came via hypodermic injections.
The decision is a victory for the rights of religious groups to uphold standards for membership based on their own religious beliefs and to be free to resolve purely ecclesiastical matters for themselves.
In November 1988, the Chicago Tribune featured his comments in an article by Bruce Buursma. Holsinger, Buursma wrote, “has doggedly insisted that a ‘disinformation’ campaign was launched by the U.S. government to conceal the truth about Jonestown.”
Religion has been attacked and even its symbols are being aggressively removed from our society. School prayer, the Ten Commandments, even crosses at military cemeteries have been targeted and eliminated.