My daughter is being bullied thanks to Leah Remini and A&E

[My daughter] has been dealing with teachers spreading hate to the class about our religion, student insults about Scientologists and bigoted statements from two coaches that are date coincident with the airing of this show.

June 9, 2017

Mr. Ben Sherwood
Disney-ABC Television Group

Burbank, CA 91505

Dear Mr. Sherwood,

I am writing to you regarding the show “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath,” which has now been picked up for a second season. I am saddened and appalled to see that Disney/ABC Television Group would air this hateful and religion-bullying show.

Unfortunately, since the promoting and airing of this show, my children and I have had to deal with more and more religious discrimination. This prejudice and these verbal attacks on our religion are being instigated by the hateful vendetta of Leah Remini who was provided a platform to promote her bigotry.

For example, this past year, my teen daughter has been subjected to more and more insults and offensive attacks against Scientology at school and other activities she is involved with. She has been dealing with teachers spreading hate to the class about our religion, student insults about Scientologists and bigoted statements from two coaches that are date coincident with the airing of this show.

I have been a Scientologist since 1992 and am grateful and proud to be a member of this religion. The Church has helped my family and me in enormous ways and I have deep respect and admiration for my faith and its members. At the core of Scientology are people who are working very hard to improve their environment and help others. We have one of the largest anti-drug campaigns in the world, Volunteer Ministers that help with national or world disasters, global education programs that are improving literacy, and these are just a few of the ways Scientology and Scientologists are working to improve conditions around the world.

I have a lot of admiration for many of the shows and content that Disney and ABC have aired over the years and have kids who have grown up as huge fans of Disney, which even promoted “Choose Kindness” in their anti-bullying campaign a few years ago. I kindly ask you to take a good look at what this show is doing and discontinue it. It is a horrible attack on our religion.

Robin Alvarez
Los Angeles, CA

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