How I Judge

Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Jew, Buddhist, Lama, Muslim, Baptist, Scientologist and on and on and on the list goes. I could fill many single-spaced pages with all the religions and belief systems of the world. Yes, it would include the Satanist and the snake-worshiper just to name a couple more.

Now, what do all these religions have in common? They have a founder and from this founder comes a system of beliefs and those beliefs each member believes in.

I have personally visited a Satanist’s home. I have also visited a Greek Orthodox church, a Catholic church, a Protestant church, a Baptist church and a Scientology church. Were they all different? YES. But they all had something in common.

I never once felt threatened in any way by any of their belief systems or the individuals themselves. I have also spoken to so many members of other faiths about their faiths—Muslims, Jews, again the list goes on. Again, I felt no fear. What I felt was their conviction in their beliefs, and their certainty that the path they pursued was best for themselves and others. It was never how they could harm others but a sincere effort to help.

The goal of religion is to help man be better, do better, isn’t that correct? If you are making him feel unwanted, bad or putting down his beliefs, you cannot be doing good. You cannot be forwarding the purpose of peace for all mankind.

So my question, to those who show intolerance or perpetrate it, would be: what would your religion say about what you are doing?

The goal of religion is to help man be better, do better, isn't that correct? If you are making him feel unwanted, bad or putting down his beliefs, you cannot be doing good. You cannot be forwarding the purpose of peace for all mankind.

My philosophy is to only judge one by his/her actions, never by what he/she thinks or believes. If his/her action in the real world is hurtful or destructive, I will oppose it. If it is constructive, I'm all for it. I think if we only judged others by their actions and not by their beliefs, we would live in a much better world. We would judge others wisely and with basis, rather than try to climb inside their heads to evaluate their thoughts or beliefs. What do they do? How does that affect others? That is all.

It's a fairly simple view but I think it works very well. I have no clue what people are thinking and I honestly don't care. When I look at what they are doing, I often like what I see. I see the man or woman building the building, fixing the street, working in the office, teaching children. I see the nurse, the doctor, the mother and father kissing and playing with their children, the babysitter or nanny keeping a watchful eye on the kids. What do they all have in common? They are all helping. They are helping themselves and others the best they know how. Only the criminal doesn’t help, and there are far, far fewer criminals than these good guys.

Religious intolerance? No way. Judging people by their actions? Sure. It’s a lot less stressful, and would bring about a lot more peace.

John Logothetis
Entrepreneur,  Business Owner, Martial Artist, Loving Father, friend of many and freedom fighter for all. Always one to stand up for what is right and just.