founding fathers

A New Years’ Ode to Religious Freedom
One of my personal goals in 2018 has been to speak out, loudly and as often as necessary, to protect my religion, Scientology, and my family and friends who join me in that faith. It’s become pretty clear to me that there are a few people, including some influential ones, who would love nothing more than to take away my freedom to practice my religion.
Adams, Jefferson, Religion & Freedom
A while ago I wrote a post about a squabble in Arizona over whether a humanist could give a benediction to the state legislature that didn’t mention God. There were strong feelings on each side.
Cyrus the Great and the Roots of Religious Freedom
You’ve probably never heard of Cyrus the Great, but if you admire and enjoy freedom of religion, freedom from slavery, and a country that includes people of all different faiths, races and cultures, you may owe him your thanks.
Meddle With Religion, Pay the Price
The entire premise of our nation’s founding is eliminating tyranny from people’s lives. Prime amongst tyrannies to avoid, and one of the main reasons for the settling of the original American colonies, is religious persecution. Freedom of religion—the very fabric of our country.
Seeing Hamilton—And Why We Just Won’t Shut Up
When I was visiting New York last month, I got to see the Broadway phenomenon that has everyone talking: Hamilton. And I have to tell you: it’s just as good as everyone says it is. In fact, it’s better.
The Founders’ Creator—Islam, the First Amendment and Religious Freedom
Imam Mohammed was asked: “How do I serve my country?” His answer: “I serve my country as a citizen of this country, as a believer in Almighty God.”
The Insidious Government Suppression of Religion
This situation has gotten so bad that there are now law firms that specialize in defending churches’ rights against suppressive government zoning boards, and these law firms make enough to stay in business just combating government suppression of religion.
We Can Have Our Cake And Eat It, Too
Religion was on my mind as I recently worked with a music producer in Nashville who is a devout Christian.