
A Bridge Between the Past and the Future: Celebrating David Miscavige’s Opening of the Tel Aviv Ideal Org on Its 12th Anniversary
“This center … represents our recognition that all religions hold central truths in common and thus may work together to achieve the common dream of universal brotherhood.”
New UK Prime Minister Brings a Résumé of Fighting Antisemitism
Antisemitism had become so pervasive within the Labour Party’s ranks that, in 2018, it became the first major UK party to be investigated for antisemitism by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission.
Hanukkah: A Holiday For All Who Believe Freedom of Religion Is Worth Fighting For
The story of the one-day’s supply of oil that lasted for eight is the story of the Jewish people—a culture and a religion whose flame should have flickered out time and time again but kept burning.
Israel & Palestine—Reasons for Hope
But is the situation really hopeless? The conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians was not created by an impersonal force of nature. It was created by the conflicting ideas of different human beings and is kept alive by current generations on both sides who have not figured out how to get along.
Deeply saddened to hear of new 20/20 show
I am not sure who your reporters have been talking to, but clearly it has not been myself, my wife or any of our many Scientologist friends with bright, beautiful, amazing children who have only benefited from Scientology.
STAND Supports Hungarian Government’s Zero Tolerance on Anti-Semitism
STAND is mindful that Hungarian Scientologists have also faced religious discrimination and have been subject to hate speech. STAND sincerely hopes that this atmosphere of religious and racial tolerance will expand and reach into all sectors of this country thereby helping to establish a new cultural renaissance from which all can benefit.