MEDIA ADVISORY: Tony Ortega’s Name Is on Everyone’s List Around the Backpage Sex Trafficking Trial
While Ortega has not been indicted in the Backpage scandal currently playing out in federal court, he has gathered a fair share of attention for his role promoting the sex trafficking website.
IAC, Your Subsidiary Hired a Sex Trafficking Advocate to Write Anti-Religious Bigotry
The Daily Beast hired Backpage “attack dog” Tony Ortega to write anti-Scientology hate speech. STAND responds.
New Bill Seeks to Solve Under-Reporting of Hate Crimes
“Mandating the reporting of hate crimes and bias incidents is one of the strongest policy steps that the federal government could take.”
Hate Crimes in the U.S. Hit Another Peak in 2022, FBI Reports 
Of the hate crimes reported, 18.1 percent—over 2,000—were motivated by religious bias.
Supreme Court Ruling Allows Muslims to Pursue Religious Discrimination Claims
“We are hopeful that the lower courts will see this case for what it is—the unconstitutional targeting of a religious community by the federal government,” said CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush.
True Patriotism: What Drove Dan Day to Expose Islamophobic Extremists—and Save Lives
How many more heroes are out there? How many more heroes will we need?
Hollywood Life Promote Religious Bigotry
On Sept. 29, 1995 the Washington state jury found that Mr. Ross “intentionally and recklessly acted in a way that is so outrageous in character and so extreme in degree as to be beyond all possible bounds of decency and to be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized community.”
VH1: Leah Remini Adds Nothing but Poison to Viewing Minds
What was almost unheard of before now has become, tragically, all too commonplace. Violence and even murder now occur inside the very buildings that society should be committed to maintaining as protected peaceful sanctuaries for people of all faiths.
STAND Calls Bombing of Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center ‘Deplorable’
STAND national director Bari Berger issued a statement of solidarity with the Interfaith Coalition and the mosque and encouraged all Minnesota Scientologists to help in any way possible. “This attack and any attack against any religion is deplorable and perpetrated by a godless individual. All religions standing together can overcome hate.”