
Meet Averell “Ace” Smith of Bearstar Strategies, the manipulator behind anti-religious smear ads
Averell “Ace” Smith is Partner at Bearstar Strategies in San Francisco. “Ace” is the devious person behind the latest anti-religious smear ads. Brace yourself. He is the face of 21st-century propaganda.
Speaking Out Against Bigotry in Los Angeles |⁠
Austin Man Arrested and Charged After Making Terrorist Threats on Church of Scientology
Bigotry spawns hate speech, which, in turn, results in one thing only: violence.
Strip Club Reporter Gabrielle Calise Only a Mouthpiece for Tampa Bay Times Institutional Bigotry
“I’m afraid I must ask you to leave, Gabby. Your very presence is lowering the collective intelligence of all of us here.”
Ben Sherwood’s Daily Beast Christmas: Sex, Porn and Sleaze—With a Dash of Bigotry
It’s time to right this ship, batten the hatches and get our act together. How? The word is porn! And that’s the memo—straight from the bossman, Mister Daily Beast himself, Big Ben Sherwood!
Alexander Barnes-Ross Was Dismissed From Church Staff After Stalking a Female Colleague
“The whole time I’ve known you don’t like me… I just don’t know what to do or how to carry on because I have literally no [control over] my feelings.”
I’m a Silicon Valley Business Founder. If You Are, Too, Don’t Advertise with the Bigoted Mercury News.
They show reckless hate towards my religion, and an attack on one religion is an attack on them all.
Indiana Muslims Win Settlement in Favor of Religious Rights
“Discrimination on the basis of religion has no place in the Crossroads of America,” said U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana Zachary A. Myers.
Former Sponsors Abandon Aaron Smith-Levin in Disgust
“Our partnerships team has confirmed that they are no longer going to sponsor this creator.”
Todd Green: Why This Christian Minister Fights Anti-Muslim Hate
“A Muslim can’t wake up in the morning and say, ‘You know, I’m going to take the day off from Islamophobia.’”