
“Brainwashed” and Other Dehumanizing Words
These days people sling the term “brainwashing” around like a Frisbee at a park or more aptly, like the fists, rocks, bricks and bullets which fly when some attempt at a rational discussion devolves into selfishness, hatred and bigotry.
“But She’s a Scientologist”—Antireligious Bigotry on
I read an article recently on about a friend of mine, a lovely and talented actress who, in her spare time, has been doing some incredible volunteer work, bringing human traffickers to justice—an activity that takes a lot of compassion, not to mention guts.
“Can’t You Take a Joke?”—The Anatomy of Discrimination
As a Jew, I’ve heard a lot of this jazz. All in good fun, right? When I was a kid, I walked into a novelty store with my dad, an Orthodox Jew who, as an army officer, had liberated a concentration camp in 1944.
Car Crashes and Nut Jobs
I have some non-Scientologist friends who will hit me up when some new “exposé” rehashes ancient disproven allegations or some once-celebrity grasps for a bit of former spotlight by trying to sling mud at Church staff members or high-profile parishioners.
Connecticut’s First Sikh City Councilman Shares Perspective on His Historic Win
I know how minority groups can be attacked if they don’t have a voice, so I have always wanted to be a voice for underrepresented communities. This platform will help me be that voice.
CounterPunch Deals the Gateway Drug to Bigotry
Reducing hundreds of thousands of sincere individuals to a sneering allusion at the end of a snide put-down is not journalism, nor is it even writing. It’s propaganda, pure and simple.
“Cults”: Peeling Back the Label
When any label about someone else is offered, peel it back. Find out what’s actually underneath. Free them from the cage in your mind and talk to them honestly. Keep your own counsel. Find your own truths. You don’t need to agree. You don’t have to join them. But having another friend is never bad, even if he is (or especially because he is) from another religion.
Disney: How Do I Explain Bigotry to My Granddaughter?
Perhaps I could tell her that the movie characters she admires—those who stand up for their beliefs, who overcome obstacles to find their own true way—are just imagination.
Disney: It’s Time to Pull the Plug on A&E
The loss in viewership, attributed to A&E’s cancellation of its police show, Live PD, exposed a suppurating inoperable tumor in the network’s gut: a penchant for bigotry, violence and sensationalism. That penchant spawned an ultimately fatal addiction to shows featuring crime on the one hand, while whitewashing discrimination and hatred of minority religions on the other.
Don’t Joke, Look!
By Evan Wecksell I live in Los Angeles, a city with the highest concentration of Scientologists in the world.