
Why My Staff Don’t Believe I’m a Scientologist
When asked, or if it just comes up, I tell all my co-workers and associates I am a Scientologist. The funny thing is, they don’t believe me! Every time I ask why, the answer is always the same: “But you’re just a regular guy.” I ask: “What do you think a Scientologist is?”
Patheos Attacking the Scientology Religion is Contrary to Your Original Purpose
It has long been policy within the Church of Scientology that, “Persons suspected of purely medical illness should be referred to a doctor for competent treatment if such a doctor or treatment exists.”
The Gospel Coalition’s UnChristian Arrogance
I read with great dismay the arrogance with which Trevin Wax addressed my religion, Scientology, in his recent piece about C.S. Lewis’s wife Joy Davidman. I think that neither C.S. Lewis nor Ms. Davidman would agree with nor condone the petty slights the author sought to inflict with his ignorant and bigoted words.
Applebee’s—No More Support for Religious Bigotry
Show your products, spend your dollars on shows which enhance the human experience through the building of character, not the destruction of it.
McDonald’s, Upholding American Standards Is Up to You Too
As an advertiser, you can make a difference. Please do not continue to support, sponsor or credit A&E's Remini program as anything more than what it is: hate speech.
The E-Meter Is Much More Than an Electronic Device
Your analysis of the E-Meter omitted the one key element for which it was developed. It is an electronic instrument that measures mental state and change of state in individuals and assists the precision and speed of auditing—a core practice of the Scientology religion.
What is silent birth?
Silent birth is all about providing the best possible environment for the birthing mother and her new baby. Its origins can be found in L.
What is the mind?
I’m Not a Scientologist. But Here’s Why I’ll Keep Fighting Anti-Scientology Hate.
Whatever comes, I will continue to fight for religious freedom.