
A&E/Remini Hate TV Show Does Not Deserve Chrysler Ad Dollars
There is too much conflict and turmoil incited by people like Leah Remini, and it is time to not only cancel the show, but to air the truth, share the proven technology to help people better themselves and end the hatred she promotes.
Bigoted HuffPost Reporter Matthew Jacobs Writes Discriminatory, Lazy Piece on Scientology
Is this what they now teach in journalism school? Throw around a few generalities preceded by libelous adjectives like “brutal” “oppressive” and “cagey” and you’ve got yourself a piece?
Gridiron Capital Siding With Bigot Remini?
This country has seen, in its history, far too much violence from false information. With such recent events as the Charlottesville tragedy, we can see that bigotry only begets more violence and harm to the people of a nation. We need to put a stop to such destruction by not supporting individuals who seek to create it.
The Hollywood Reporter’s Bigotry and Anti-Religious Propaganda
If anything stands out as evidencing THR’s studied bias against members of the Church of Scientology it is Seth Abramovitch’s utterly shameful treatment of Elisabeth Moss (September 22).
Bigots R Us at The Hollywood Reporter
Dear Mr. Belloni, Once again, Seth Abramovitch chose to be totally disrespectful and biased in his reporting of Elisabeth Moss’s amazing talents and winning two of television’s most prestigious Emmy awards.
Hollywood Reporter—A Message to the Boss
If his claim were true that dropping the F-bomb is a crucial part of the practice of Scientology, then he’s just swelled the ranks of practicing Scientologists to about 115 million in the U.S. alone. Since the F-bomb is the most important word in the argot of the 18-49 demographic, he has just made nearly every millennial out there a practicing Scientologist.
The Hollywood Reporter—Moralists? You Must be Joking
And The Hollywood Reporter itself has a history of forwarding hate. In the 1940s and 50s, the publication was part and parcel of fomenting the anti-Communist campaign in Hollywood, where thousands of people were blacklisted in a witch hunt.
Kia—Please End Your Financial Support of Hate Speech
I am a proud member of the Church of Scientology and have been for nearly 40 years, and I refute every statement that Leah Remini has made that attempts to show my church in a bad light. If even a fraction of what she spews were true, Scientology would not be flourishing as it is today.
Hyundai, Do I Have to Boycott Your Company?
We need to stop doing anything that contributes to bringing about more hate and violence. Our youth need to be taught more tolerance, cooperation and harmony—NOT bigotry and hate!
Come on, Huffington Post!
The Huffington Post owes me and every other Scientologist an apology for deciding to climb onto the hate-Scientology bandwagon without thoroughly checking out their contributing writer and his sources.