
How the Right to Education Can Answer Our Troubles
Why do we still see war, poverty, religious intolerance, persecution, political upheaval, civil conflict, human trafficking, crime, and illiteracy?
One Way to Give Peace a Chance, Among Religions
As a child, I vaguely remember listening to adults talk and sometimes argue about whose religion was the “true religion.” This was in New Jersey in the 1960s, and no one ever got too loud but there were clearly differences of opinion being expressed.
Religion in Schools: Does it Work?
“Religious studies” should, in my view, be just that—a comparative study of a whole array of religions, giving an overview of spirituality in the world.
Remembering Religion’s Legacy of Preserving Knowledge on This International Day of Education
In addition to practical knowledge, the monasteries were also the last refuge for scholarly knowledge. One of the principal occupations of monks was copying ancient manuscripts. The practice started in the sixth century at the Vivarium monastery in Italy, whose library was endowed by the Roman Senator Cassiodorus. Thereafter, a primary role of that monastery was to copy manuscripts, ensuring the continuation of Western knowledge, while preserving literacy amongst its initiates. The practice spread to other monasteries until most had established “scriptoria”—rooms where ancient literature was transcribed by monks.
Should Religion Be Taught in Schools?
We have all seen headlines of angry parents storming school board meetings protesting that their little Johnny was being illegally “exposed” to this or that religious belief and demanding separation of church and state.
Should We Be Teaching About Religions in School?
Only through openly communicating about and exploring the incredible depth and breadth of the world’s religions can we expect to foster a culture of tolerance and true religious freedom.
Supreme Court Reviews Scholarships for Religious Schools
The U.S. Supreme Court will shortly decide whether the State of Montana can prevent the use of public funds for any educational institution controlled by a religious organization.
Teaching Our Children Bigotry
Hate is not a natural thing. It is a learned thing.
Texas Legislation Strips Truth & Diversity From History
The education of a culture has exactly zero to do with politics, zero to do with blame, zero to do with expediency or funding or censorship or any of a thousand other dribbling trifles. It is all about humanity and understanding. How in the world can we understand where we’re going unless we understand where we’ve been?
The Ignorance of Ignorance
“Not ignorance, but the ignorance of ignorance is the death of knowledge.” - Alfred North Whitehead My first year of teaching I had a realization that helped me throughout my years as a classroom teacher, and life in general. I was warned about Jimmy, my fourth grade student.