
Catholicism in the Age of Scandal
Damning headlines and unforgivable scandal have, in recent times, become synonymous in the media with the Catholic Church, and I admire and applaud the journalists and survivors who have been brave enough to share their stories and demand justice. But the mistakes and sins of those responsible, even (and maybe especially) those at the highest level, are not Catholicism and are not religion.
Communication Is the Key
One Catholic priest known to me only as Father Donovan, whom my parents had befriended, attended many of our family picnics, religious or secular events, and outings. He was a likable fellow, and he was intelligent and good-looking. I remember being awestruck by his dedication represented by the white collar around his neck, which offset the black garb he wore in any weather or season.
How a Jew and Roman Catholic Make Their Marriage Work
I was raised Roman Catholic and my husband was raised Jewish. I had my First Communion at the age of 6 and my husband had his bar mitzvah at age 13, so we’re both legit in our respective faiths.
How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization
While I certainly didn’t have anything against the Catholics, I really didn’t know much about the religion.
One Way to Give Peace a Chance, Among Religions
As a child, I vaguely remember listening to adults talk and sometimes argue about whose religion was the “true religion.” This was in New Jersey in the 1960s, and no one ever got too loud but there were clearly differences of opinion being expressed.
Religion in Schools: Does it Work?
“Religious studies” should, in my view, be just that—a comparative study of a whole array of religions, giving an overview of spirituality in the world.
Supreme Court Reviews Scholarships for Religious Schools
The U.S. Supreme Court will shortly decide whether the State of Montana can prevent the use of public funds for any educational institution controlled by a religious organization.
What a Catholic Taught Me About Civil Discourse
Sometimes YOU (not the other guy) are the one who has to change. I’ve learned that many times in my life.
Cheap Shot is Pure Bigotry
Shame on Mr. Bobby Fischer, His article titled “Prince Harry’s Drinking And Partying Get Totally Out of Hand - He’s On His Way To Rehab!” includes a purposely false and derogatory mention of the Scientology religion.
Thehollywoodgossip part of bigoted religious hate campaign
Your article entitled "Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban Celebrate Their 11th Anniversary” contains totally unnecessary anti-religious bigotry against the Church of Scientology.