Why the People of Los Angeles Are Disgusted by Ace Smith 

One of my primary purposes in life is to champion truth and shine a light on what is right and just. I fight for truth because as a Black woman and a Scientologist, I’ve been hit with my share of lies, hatred and bigotry. And let me tell you, it doesn’t feel good. It stings and hurts in the moment, but then it fuels me to fight back and speak out against prejudice, ignorance and bigotry.

Los Angeles

And that’s what I’ve done in the last few weeks in response to the attacks made by Rick Caruso and Karen Bass against my religion during the mayoral race: I let them know their actions were disgusting and hurtful and downright tone-deaf in a city that is home to the largest number of Scientologists in the world.

Scientologists are some of the most dedicated, hard-working and ethical people you’ll ever meet. 

And then it came to light that a man named Ace Smith, who works for a company called Bearstar Strategies, was the puppetmaster behind the smear campaign. I was sickened by the level of lies and manipulation allowed to permeate politics and ultimately poison the public. Where were his fact-checkers? This man callously instigated and perpetuated bigotry and hate and no one reined him in. This coward who lurks in the shadows was freely allowed to pump lies, fear and division into our society.

Well, Ace Smith, the jig is up. We know who you are and what you’re about. And let me tell you something: the good that Scientologists do and the help we bring to our communities will always outshine you, and send you scurrying back to the dark corners where you live. Scientologists are some of the most dedicated, hard-working and ethical people you’ll ever meet. We host weekly food drives. We educate people to get them off drugs or become literate. We donate annually to the Police Activities League so kids have after-school programs. We hold Peace Rides in Watts and Compton to help uplift communities and reduce crime. We give from our hearts because we care about building up humanity—not tearing it down.

That’s your specialty. 

Ingrid Rogers
Ingrid is a wife, mother and producer who lives in Southern California. She is a seeker and champion of truth.