How David Miscavige Helped Me Change My Life

Mr. David Miscavige
David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center and ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, at the Scientology headquarters for Australasia.

To learn more about David Miscavige, the ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, go to

In 2012, I had what looked like the picture-perfect life.

I had two kids, a house on a golf course, and a personal trainer. My then husband and I had expensive wine at dinner, went on amazing cruises, and hosted impromptu dinner parties for eight. I drank coffee to wake up in the morning and vodka to come down after work.

Mr. Miscavige, I hope you can reflect on all the lives you’ve touched, and the millions more due to the ripple effect. 

But it wasn’t picture-perfect. 

My husband and I had been drifting farther and farther apart since becoming parents. The chasm grew wider with each passing year.

One day when my oldest daughter was a toddler, I was getting ready for work and she somehow locked me out of my bedroom. I responded as any typical, overwhelmed mother would: I completely lost it. I stormed around the house screaming at the top of my lungs, looking for something to unlock the door, and when I finally got in, I walked toward her, yelling. My two-year-old was sitting on the floor as I approached her, a look of sheer terror on her face.

It stopped me in my tracks.

On another day, my husband and I were arguing in the kitchen, and I got so mad I wanted to throw something at him. There was a plant on the island and I grabbed it. Inside my head, I was screaming: “What are you doing? Don’t throw that!” But I threw it anyway.

I just couldn’t control myself.

That was the state of my life just before I did my first service in Scientology.

A friend of mine was attending a Church of Scientology and she called and told me it was the most effective counseling she’d ever received. She said it was like therapy but different. I was intrigued.

I spoke to a woman from the Church and she recommended an introductory extension course. The day after the course material arrived, I got up early, made my coffee and worked on it before my husband and kids woke up. That first day, I sat there dumbfounded. In less than two hours, I understood exactly why my life was in the state it was in.

I was 43 years old and wondered why, after four years of college and then a doctorate, I had never been taught this basic information. I immediately requested counseling at the Church, and I’ve never looked back.

You see, I grew up in an agnostic household, without a TV. My parents were alcoholics. I didn’t have any religious background prior to Scientology. I was self-centered and I had no moral compass. All of that combined meant I was fighting with people—often. Bitter from arguing, I drank to feel better. But drinking made me tired and cranky, and that made me argue with people more.

It was a self-sustaining loop of negativity.

Scientology ended all that. In fact, all it took was one counseling session of Dianetics to completely change my life.

Scientology has given me the strength and resources to heal my past traumas, make up for the harm I’ve done to others, and given me the tools to ensure a happy and productive future. I almost never get mad anymore, and if I do, I don’t stay mad for long.

For all of these reasons, I am incredibly grateful to the leader of my religion, David Miscavige. Mr. Miscavige made it possible for an unhappy, hot-tempered woman to find peace and happiness, because he made L. Ron Hubbard’s works so accessible, so easy to apply and so easy to understand. Thanks to Mr. Miscavige’s tireless work, anyone can learn about Scientology and use that information to make life better. You can even do it from the internet without getting off the couch.

Over the decades of his leadership, David Miscavige has taken Mr. Hubbard’s vision for Scientology and turned it into a reality. I can’t even conceive of how much work it took to get all the pieces in place.

My oldest daughter remembers angry mommy, but my youngest does not, and that’s a huge win for my family. I’m remarried to a great man, we have a solid marriage built on principles of communication and trust and I’m a much better role model than I was in 2012.

Mr. Miscavige, I hope you can reflect on all the lives you’ve touched, and the millions more due to the ripple effect. I can’t even imagine your to-do list every single day. Bluntly, I admire the hell out of you—your vision, perseverance and planning. Thank you for guiding Scientology through the past 30 plus years and making it so easy for people like me to change their lives for the better.

To learn more about David Miscavige, the ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, go to

Andrea Oliveau
I’m a chiropractor, mom, stepmom, wife, gardener and health enthusiast.