Religious Freedom

Many generations of Supreme Court Justices have tried to define the correct balance of church and state.
We LOVE football in our house. Everybody has a different favorite team they’re passionate about which makes holiday shopping easy. My family has even been sponsoring an all-skill-levels weekly pick-up flag football game in our neighborhood for a decade now.
Several researchers in the field of psychology descended from the ultra-recirculated, purified air of academia to address the amoebic, unwashed masses (us).
If a man breaks the law, does he then lose his right to be treated as a human being? It’s got to be said that here we’re treading on the toes of a very controversial and contentious issue.
The Austrian Parliament recently passed a law banning women from wearing garments that cover their face s. As is the norm with such laws that have sprung up in various parts of Europe, it pretends to “neutrally” apply to everyone.
I believe in the power of speech. I believe in freedom of speech. I believe in my First Amendment rights. I believe in our country and our government. Mostly. I believe that our Constitution is there to protect us. All of us. And should be defended at all costs.
So now you can sit in a booth at Stuttgart airport and access 300 audio prayers from a variety of world religions. The seed for it was planted back in 2008 with an experimental project by German artist Oliver Sturm. I have mixed feelings about this.
An atheist member of the Arizona legislature caused a small stir recently when she offered up a humanist invocation calling on her fellow representatives to “remember the humanity that resides with each and every person here, and each and every person in the city, and in all people in the nation and
There are times I feel like complaining and this is one of those times. I was looking through Facebook the other day and saw a mention of some comedian and his “hilarious” joke about Scientology. Of course, being the vocal person that I am, I had to pipe up that it wasn’t funny.
Time and again, whole peoples have put their trust and hope in their leaders, to their lasting regret. An individual from the extreme right or the extreme left stands up and calls out the evils he perceives around us and frightened masses flock to support him, hoping to be led to the promised land and away from their misery, uncertainty and hardship.