Religious Freedom

I met Christians, Buddhists, Bahá’ís, Sikhs and Muslims. They were all united in their belief that fundamental human rights belong to every single person on earth and that teaching others the value of these rights is one of the most important things we could be doing.
“Stay away from that,” warned my history professor, glaring at the book in my bag. “I’m serious.” “It’s… dangerous!” These long forgotten words came back to me recently while reading about the discovery of the oldest known map to depict Mundus Novus, the New World.
Under cover of a January blizzard, Roger Williams left his wife and children, slipping away to avoid the men sent to arrest and deport him for what Puritan leaders in Massachusetts had called “dangerous” religious beliefs.
During the modern age, regardless of how that is defined, unquestionably few groups have done more to advance the cause of freedom of religion than has my church, the Church of Scientology. Even an ardent critic could not deny this fact.
Recently, I flew back to my home town for a high school reunion. I rented a car and drove to the Historic Brook Forest Inn, where I had made reservations to stay. In my high school days, we had gone there for dinner a few times and had passed by it countless times.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres delivered an insightful speech when he launched the Fez Plan of Action to prevent hate speech as an incitement to acts of atrocity. The Fez Plan, drawn up in April 2015 in Fez, Morocco, addresses hate speech which causes atrocities against people of religion.
I took a survey yesterday about my recent experience in the hospital. I was there for a C-section for my third baby. One of the questions gave me startled pause. She asked me if I experienced any kind of discrimination for my race or culture. As a white-bread American, definitely not.
After seven hours of a passionate but civil public dialogue, more than 170 Americans came together to decide the future of their community. They went for openness, inclusion and religious freedom, granting approval for a new mosque to be built in suburban Virginia.
I was fortunate enough to know, and have wonderful conversations, with a truly fascinating woman—my great grandmother. Just think of it.
As a Scientologist, a STAND member and a United States citizen who spent the bulk of her college career studying the American founding and what this country was designed to be all about, this day definitely means something to me.