religious literacy

America Indivisible Brings Leaders Together to Counter Anti-Muslim Hate
According to Todd Green, Executive Director of America Indivisible, a glance at the news headlines is all one needs to confirm that a fear of Islam is “justified.”
Don’t Be Stupid
To me stupidity is not knowing about something, but then acting or speaking as if you do. Let’s say you start criticizing someone’s religion. What exactly are you criticizing? Is there some specific verse, writing, theory or philosophy you’re referring to? Or is it based on something you "heard" on the news or someone else’s ignorant opinion?
How I Was Prejudiced and Why I Was Wrong
But the only “knowledge” I had came from a “news” story about the marriage ceremony. I had never personally visited the church, read anything about it, or even met anyone who was a member.
If Religion is All Greek to You
I was raised Jewish, and I remember going to temple and reading from the Torah when I was 11. Unfortunately, I could read the Hebrew symbols, but had no concept of what those sounds meant. So I gave up studying the Torah.
International Day of Education: From COVID to Religious Literacy
Truth be told, the intolerance and hate that come from otherness are as old as the human race, and without diminishing the devastating effects of the pandemic, constitute a far more deadly and lasting virus for all humanity.
Islam & Ramadan—Walking With Faith
“I am not alone in this. I have brothers and sisters all around the world that are fasting with me. We hold our prayers and our meditations very sacred.“
One Way to Give Peace a Chance, Among Religions
As a child, I vaguely remember listening to adults talk and sometimes argue about whose religion was the “true religion.” This was in New Jersey in the 1960s, and no one ever got too loud but there were clearly differences of opinion being expressed.
Remembering Kissir and Tsemik at Hazeem’s House, This Ramadan
I put these religious labels on Boon, Kofi, and Avi now, but back then, the subject never came up. They were just my friends.
Reflecting on a Decade Writing About My Religion
Ten years ago, I was a new daddy. With a year-old daughter and my wife and I expecting our second, I was simultaneously in love with this new job of “dad” and utterly fascinated by how this parenting experience was shifting my own understanding of my religion. See, Scientology as a subject is all about helping people improve conditions they face in life, and who’s got more problems than a new parent? I had first shared own my faith online back in 1996 when I made my first webpage, so sharing my family experience seemed a natural extension.
Sikhism: A Phoenix Rises From the Ashes of Suppression
It was the late 1400s in India. Religious fanaticism combined with the caste system to create a culture where the ruling Mughals could and did round up commoners and slaughter them solely to slake their royal hounds’ thirst for blood.