The Daily Beast

From Bathroom Hate Scrawl to Clickbait Column Inches, Bigotry Is Bigotry
The word “bigot” came into existence just under a thousand years ago.
IAC Asked to Defend Shocking Accusations of Sexual Harassment in Daily Beast CEO Ben Sherwood’s Past
Sherwood would, according to a since-settled lawsuit, “regularly engage in sexually harassing behavior” and “inappropriately touch women in the newsroom.” He also uses sex trafficking enablers as sources.
IAC, Your Subsidiary Hired a Sex Trafficking Advocate to Write Anti-Religious Bigotry
The Daily Beast hired Backpage “attack dog” Tony Ortega to write anti-Scientology hate speech. STAND responds.
Ben Sherwood’s Daily Beast Christmas: Sex, Porn and Sleaze—With a Dash of Bigotry
It’s time to right this ship, batten the hatches and get our act together. How? The word is porn! And that’s the memo—straight from the bossman, Mister Daily Beast himself, Big Ben Sherwood!
The Reviews Are In! Ben Sherwood’s The Daily Beast Is a “Bad Faith Troll Hole” “Hit-Piece Rag” “Crap Factory” “Staffed by Bottom-Feeders.”
(And those are the nicest things people have to say!)
Tarpley Hitt & Daily Beast: Only Bottom-Feeders, After All
Ms. Hitt is building a reputation as a writer who refuses to let the truth get in the way of a titillating story—even if it means trashing good people trying to do good things through the faith they practice.
The Daily Beast’s Campaign Against Truth and Honest Journalism
The Daily Beast at first proclaimed its innocence, then temporized with an editorial, then tardily edited out the identifying details of the closeted gay athletes, before finally removing the article entirely whilst putting its writer on the shelf for a few months, after which he returned, “following a lengthy period of intense reflection.”
Daily Beast Disparagement Does Not Sit Well With The Facts
Please do not invent fake news where there is nothing but simplicity: some people want to help others and expect nothing in return. Stay tuned.
Lloyd Grove Exposed for his Religious Bigotry
When was the last time your reporter Lloyd Grove helped victims of natural disasters, helped save a marriage or gave someone the confidence to go in the direction of their dreams and live the life they imagine? I sincerely doubt that he ever did.
Marlow Stern Cannot Contain His Virulent Anti-Scientology Bigotry
The Daily Beast, for its part, has published Stern’s profoundly bigoted, one-sided content even while it strains to project an image of commitment to diversity and inclusion—going so far as naming “religion” as a subject it seeks to cover with respect in a PR statement on its website.