Religious Freedom

Lithuania’s Cold Climate Toward Religious Freedom
Google “What are the disadvantages of living in Lithuania?” and you will get “the cold climate.” Lithuania’s Jehovah’s Witnesses would agree.
Jailed for His Beliefs and Cast Out by His Family, William Penn Was a Bulldog for Religious Freedom
“Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.”—William Penn
More in Common Study Shows We Really Do Have More in Common
The study suggests that things are not as the media and various political factions would have us believe. Stereotypes crumble.
The Case for Religious Freedom—On Religious Freedom Day
As the sun rises on this year’s National Religious Freedom Day, what is the state of freedom of religion around the world?
Increased Freedom to Religious Practice Granted to North Carolina Prisoners
“Our Constitution protects the religious liberty of all people to exercise their faith. In America, that means even those who are incarcerated can continue to worship and pray.” 
USCIRF Welcomes New Commissioner Meir Soloveichik  
Religious freedom “is the philosophical linchpin of what lies at the heart of American ideals.”
Indiana Muslims Win Settlement in Favor of Religious Rights
“Discrimination on the basis of religion has no place in the Crossroads of America,” said U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana Zachary A. Myers.
First Amendment Voice Grapples with the State of Religious Freedom in the U.S.
Religious freedom is at a tipping point in the United States according to a virtual panel conducted by First Amendment Voice.
Know What You Fear
One of the most troubling emotions we deal with as a society is fear. Fear of the unknown, the undiscovered or the not understood threatens the freedom that our forefathers envisioned for us and for this great nation.
Next Stop: Tolerance
This is how it played out: At around midday on November 22, a passenger sitting in the train pulled out his phone to film an incident occurring in front of him. The footage (which immediately went viral) reveals a man reading passages from the Bible out loud to a young boy wearing a yarmulke, sitting beside him.