
Geico Stop Supporting Hate on A&E
As members of Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination (STAND), we write to express our utter disgust at Geico once again sponsoring A&E’s Leah Remini’s show and to place our demand that you cease any further corporate support of this blatant religious bigotry and hatred. A&E’s show has to date caused over 500 threats of murder and violence, which is what your advertising dollars are supporting.
Geico’s Financial Support of Anti-Religious Propaganda on A&E is un-American
For a company such as Geico to support with your advertising dollars a program that, through false information, blatantly attacks my religion and the people that practice it, is not just un-American, it is absolutely fascist.
Geico Corporation Sponsoring Religious Hate Against Scientology?
What’s one of America’s best-known insurance brands, where “15 minutes can save you 15% or more…” doing supporting a controversial hate and propaganda program such as the A&E’s Scientology and the Aftermath? There must be less controversial and offensive productions that Geico can cash in on.
Geico: Would You Rather Save a Life or Have Blood on Your Hands Too?
Leah Remini’s show on A&E has resulted in threats of violence against Scientologists around the world, including the actual murder of one young staff member. These people are my friends and family members. They are doctors, dentists, artists, carpenters, business owners and school kids.