
A Word of Advice From Someone Who Used to Love Disney
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of Disney, I am sure you have seen the stats in Hollywood. People are tuning out in droves. Hollywood tries something different to win them back but nothing is working. Why? What’s missing? Are you ready? Get out your pens because you will want to write this down.
All Hail Aladdin
But all in all, I give this Aladdin high marks for trying to do the right thing, and for being highly entertaining to boot.
An Open Letter to the Executives of Disney and A&E
I have been a structural and specialty contractor for almost half a century and have helped build several of the very Disney properties over which you preside. I used to have an enormous respect for Disney.
Big Bigotry Goes Mainstream: Remini & Disney Attack Jehovah’s Witnesses
How exactly do you ask, in politically correct terms: “What religious group can we profit from the most by misrepresenting and stirring up hate?” “Can we get a lynching?”
Desensitizing Hate: A Scientologist’s Perspective
But rather than focusing on what we don’t like about others, we should look for ways to accept—even admire—our differences.
Disney: How Do I Explain Bigotry to My Granddaughter?
Perhaps I could tell her that the movie characters she admires—those who stand up for their beliefs, who overcome obstacles to find their own true way—are just imagination.
Disney: It Was Dopey All Along
Things looked rosy at the Disney Studio in 1938. Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs was boffo at the box office, and a new star was born. His name: Dopey. Meanwhile, Disney’s original meal ticket, Mickey Mouse, was stumbling.
Disney: It’s Time to Pull the Plug on A&E
The loss in viewership, attributed to A&E’s cancellation of its police show, Live PD, exposed a suppurating inoperable tumor in the network’s gut: a penchant for bigotry, violence and sensationalism. That penchant spawned an ultimately fatal addiction to shows featuring crime on the one hand, while whitewashing discrimination and hatred of minority religions on the other.
Disney: Oh, the Hypocrisy!
It’s almost like Disney wants to attack my religion. I mean, it claims to uphold “values of inclusion, tolerance, and civility” but forgets what is “indefensible and inconsistent” with those values when it comes to someone’s church.
Disney & Remini: A “Tangled” Story of Lies and Doublespeak
Even the cynical staff at Disney and A&E would recognize that they had gone too far if Remini attacked their church, their beliefs, or the school that their children attended.