anti-religious bigotry

Channel 7 Morning Show in bigoted attack on those who help
I do not think I have ever seen a more smug looking pair of bigots in my entire life, pouring on-air scorn toward members of my religion, Scientology, while they sniped at it with the single most discriminatory man in Australia, Bryan Seymour. They should be ashamed.
Skechers, Supporting A&E’s Hate Show, Equivalent to Supporting KKK
Skechers is promoting religious hate through your advertising support of the Leah Remini series about Scientology on A&E. Support of this show is equivalent to supporting the Ku Klux Klan’s views against non-whites and Catholics or supporting Nazi views against Jews.
Burger King Offering Bigotry on their Menu?
In these troubled times, I am concerned that your company’s advertising dollars are supporting a show that has promoted religious bigotry and hatred. Our country does not need more divisive rhetoric, which only leads to violence. We have had enough.
Come on Anheuser, Support Tolerance, Not Hate
A&E has resurrected bigotry with Remini’s “Aftermath” and regrettably, you are a supporter. Through your support you have become a partner in hate, bigotry and lies. This is true. I am a businessman and run the largest company of its type in America. I can’t always choose my clients, but I can choose the people and causes I support.
Enough is Enough Nissan: No More Money to A&E Hate
It is a fact that overt and covert discrimination is what leads to violence, and right here and now I am standing up for my rights not to have violence leveled against myself or my fellow Scientologists.
Sprint—We Have a Right to Tolerance Without the Hate You Fund
I believe I have the right to enjoy a peaceful life, free to practice my religion in harmony with my fellow man. I protest your support of this no-talent Leah Remini trying to disrupt our lives while she attempts to make a living spewing hate.
A Scientologist Demands LensCrafters Cease Backing Remini Hate
I remain involved in my church’s activities weekly, which continue to improve and lift me spiritually and mentally. I suspect that these are the same types of things that keep people involved and dedicated to their own churches, no matter what denomination.
Hate Speech is Real. ExxonMobil: Do Not Pay For It
Someone close to my family was confused and almost poisoned by the lies and the hate that this “reality TV” show has spread. Fortunately, she was able to see through the lies and is back to her usual, buoyant self.
Expedia, You are Funding Religious Discrimination
If you continue to stand behind this hate speech, I will not stand behind you, and will boycott your company and tell everyone I know to do the same.
Scientologist Tells Ark Encounter to Cease Support of A&E TV Hate
The Leah Remini show attacking the Church does not offer anything positive on the Church and is simply a religious hate show that can create hatred toward our members—not dissimilar to what some neo-Nazi hate groups are currently pushing against minorities in our country.