L. Ron Hubbard

Rewriting History: Neil Sarfati’s Sad Lies About Scientology
Once striving to achieve success as an artist, Neil Sarfati is now reduced to seeking attention by exploiting his former religion.
Scientology vs. Science Fiction
I was born in the South. There’s a kind of running joke about how someone in the South can insult you so politely you’re not even upset about it (if you even notice at all).
Scientology: What’s in a Name?
Ron was discussing methods of determining sanity. He described sanity in a number of ways but the simplest was noting the individual’s ability to compute—think—accurately. The word that got me was “accurately.”
The Best Thing In The World
Life is the essential raw material of artists—be they sculptors, performers, painters, writers, directors, or whichever—they involve themselves more with Life than other people. They communicate some teaspoon or cup or hundred gallon vat of Life with every piece of art they create.
The Definition of Hate
Just as the only thing we need to fear is Fear itself, so the only thing truly worth hating is Hate. And since Hate equals Fear, anyway, the next time you feel your gorge rising with venom against something you’ve read or someone you’ve heard, try this handy little remedy:
The Difference Between Haters and Heroes
How many years has it been since a madman, under the guise of ridding the world of “undesirables” created a war that destroyed large portions of our civilization? Was it centuries ago that a fascist dictator caused the death of over six million Jews? Was it many pages back in our history books that
The Essence of Religion: L. Ron Hubbard’s Birthday, and His Gift
Though I grew up Catholic, I’ve been into many churches of different types and one thing I’ve always noticed is the same sense of relief from the world and the safe space a church can provide.
The Honest View of Scientology
What’s more, the high IQ free-thinker is much more likely to become curious about the effort by vested interests to drag them away from the demonized subject.
The Price of Freedom
Some people see freedom as dangerous. They see people who cannot be enslaved as dangerous. They are the type who think that if people were free, those people would be as mean and cruel as they themselves are.
The Brilliance of Scientology
For most of us, our cell phone is a thing of wonder and mystery. We don’t know how it works, we only know it does. Well, it works because engineers figured out the best materials, exact dimensions for components and necessary power, currents, programs, etc.