
Disney: Please Remain True to Your Heritage
This egregious and false “documentary" not only fans the flames of religious discrimination, but has inspired actual acts of violence against parishioners. This is clearly not at all in alignment with the spirit of the Disney organization.
Disney: Take the Longer View—Don’t Profit from Short-Term Bigotry
I would suggest a check of recent and past news stories which are a parable about people and organizations whose past conduct has come back to haunt them in later years … Short-term ratings can never compensate for long-term damage to reputation, credibility and self-respect.
Bigotry and Hate Should be Abhorrent to All—Especially at Disney
What will my sons tell my grandchildren about Disney and how they went from bringing song and joy to their childhood to bashing their religion in prime time?
Nestlé, Please Tell A&E You Are Unwilling to Support Their Religious Hate Programming
A&E has announced that professional bigot Leah Remini will continue to host the TV program Aftermath, despite flying in the face of professionalism, good manners, good sense, and the current volatility of American discourse.
Popeye’s Chicken, Cancel advertising that supports A&E religious hate TV
This is ironic considering Disney, which owns 50 percent of A&E, immediately cancelled ABC’s Roseanne show due to her racist tweet, yet they turn a blind eye to A&E’s religious persecution of Scientologists. This is sanctimonious hypocrisy.
Steinhoff—A&E Religious Prejudice Does Not Deserve Your Money
Is hatred and suspicion of our neighbors what we want to “welcome into the hearts and homes of millions of families around the world”? Really?
Honor and Decency Demands That You Not Fund A&E’s Religious Hate Campaign
“Religious intolerance does not mean one cannot express his own beliefs. It does mean that seeking to undermine or attack the religious faith and beliefs of another has always been a short road to trouble.” These words from the booklet The Way to Happiness – precept 18, “Respect The Religious Beliefs of Others”
Today’s World Demands Non-Discrimination, Not A&E’s Religious Hate TV
Remini is hell-bent on attacking Scientology, while Disney and its sponsors are enabling her to spread her delusional ideas, pure and simple.
Open Letter to The Walt Disney Company: Why Do You Tolerate Homophobic and Racist Slurs?
Asian Americans for generations have had to deal with stereotypes, jokes and slurs from people like Rinder, who think they are clever and funny, but in fact just reveal their insensitivity, cluelessness and underlying racism.
Bigot Mike Rinder to Headline Again for Disney/A&E Networks
I don’t know the motives behind Rinder’s use of the phrase in insulting me since I have never even met this man and he knows nothing about me. But I do think I speak for Asian-Americans in that we find it insulting when someone mocks our heritage. I am proud of my name and who I am.